
需积分: 0 1 下载量 153 浏览量 更新于2024-03-15 收藏 780KB DOC 举报
; graduation design (thesis) laboratory reservation management system research, based on data association rules, this solution compared to some of the solutions already in use online, has the advantages of simpler user operation, more intuitive interface, etc. The online reservation of teachers courses has just begun in China, but is developing rapidly. With the increasing popularity of the Internet in China and the increasing maturity of teachers' schedules, there will be a growing consumer group, and the market potential will be fully realized. In the system design, the background of personalized pages and the general principles of JSP SQLSERVER system are mainly studied. This paper elaborates on the system structure and working principle of the entire personalized page generation system, analyzes the particularity, difficulties, and key points in the system implementation. It designs and implements system user management, user information management, laboratory management, course management, teacher information management, and student information management, etc. It analyzes and solves several technical problems in the implementation, establishes a complete teacher's schedule, conducts testing, and analyzes the results. Keywords: laboratory reservation; JSP; connection; database; SQLSERVER database.