"Full Speed Python: 快速入门Python3下载和安装教程"
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"Full Speed Python" is a comprehensive guide to quickly getting started with Python programming. The book covers a wide range of topics including installation, working with numbers and strings, and includes exercises to reinforce learning.
The first step in getting started with Python is to download the latest Python 3 release for Windows from the official website https://www.python.org/. The book then provides detailed instructions for installation on different operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Once Python is installed, the book delves into the basics of programming with Python, starting with numbers and strings. The section on numbers covers exercises to help readers understand and practice working with numerical data in Python. Similarly, the section on strings provides exercises to enhance understanding of handling and manipulating textual data in Python.
Overall, "Full Speed Python" serves as a valuable resource for beginners looking to quickly start building their programming skills with Python. The book's focus on practical exercises and clear instructions make it an effective tool for learning the ins and outs of Python programming. Whether readers are new to programming or looking to expand their skill set, "Full Speed Python" offers a comprehensive and accessible introduction to Python.

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