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《使用Docker》(Using Docker, 2015)是一本由Adrian Mouat撰写的实用指南,旨在帮助读者理解和掌握容器技术在软件开发、部署过程中的重要性与应用。该书特别针对开发者、运维工程师和系统管理员,特别是那些倾向于采用DevOps方法的人员。作者深入浅出地介绍了Docker的基本概念,以及如何从零开始使用它来构建、测试和部署web应用程序。 书中首先强调了Docker容器相较于传统方法的优势,包括简化开发环境管理、提升部署速度和增强系统的稳定性。通过这本书,读者将学会理解为什么在现代IT环境中,Docker成为了不可或缺的工具,因为它提供了轻量级、隔离的运行环境,能够确保软件在不同平台上的一致性和可移植性。 在核心内容部分,作者逐步指导读者从基础操作开始,如安装和配置Docker,理解镜像(Dockerfile)的概念,以及如何使用docker-compose进行容器编排。接着,读者会学习如何利用Docker构建、打包和分发应用,以及如何在多主机系统上部署并管理多个容器,包括网络设置和任务调度等高级特性。 对于web应用程序的开发流程,作者会展示如何使用Docker进行持续集成和交付,包括代码构建、自动化测试和部署流程的集成。通过实例演示,读者可以掌握如何在Docker容器中创建一个健壮的应用生命周期管理策略,从而提高团队协作效率和软件质量。 此外,书中还包含了关于Docker安全实践和最佳实践的讨论,确保在实际工作中能够有效地避免潜在的风险,并充分利用Docker的性能优化技巧。最后,附录部分提供了最新的修订历史和在线资源链接,以便读者随时获取更新和支持。 《使用Docker》是一本全面而实用的教程,无论是对Docker初学者还是有一定经验的用户,都能从中获益匪浅,掌握在现代IT项目中有效利用Docker进行软件开发和部署的关键技能。通过阅读本书,读者不仅能提升自己的技术栈,还能更好地融入DevOps文化,推动企业数字化转型。
2018-12-26 上传
Generic Pipelines Using Docker The DevOps Guide to Building Reusable, Platform Agnostic CI/CD Frameworks Generic Pipelines Using Docker Author: Brandon Atkinson, Dallas Edwards ISBN-10: 1484236548 Year: 2019 Pages: 127 Language: English File size: 3.1 MB File format: PDF, ePub Category: .NET Hardware & DIY Book Description: Create generic pipelines to reduce your overall DevOps workload and allow your team to deliver faster. This book helps you get up to speed on the pros and cons of generic pipeline methodology, and learn to combine shell scripts and Docker to build generic pipelines. In today’s world of micro-services and agile practices, DevOps teams need to move as fast as feature teams. This can be extremely challenging if you’re creating multiple pipelines per application or tech stack. What if your feature teams could utilize a generic pipeline that could build, test, and deploy any application, regardless of tech stack? What if that pipeline was also cloud and platform agnostic? Too good to be true? Well think again! Generic Pipelines Using Docker explores the principles and implementations that allow you to do just that. You will learn from real-world examples and reusable code. After reading this book you will have the knowledge to build generic pipelines that any team can use. What You’ll Learn Explore the pros and cons of generic pipeline methodology Combine shell scripts and Docker to build a generic pipeline Implement a pipeline across CI/CD platforms Build a pipeline that lends itself well to both centralized and federated DevOps teams Construct a modular pipeline with components that can be added, removed, or replaced as needed Who This Book Is For Professionals who use DevOps or are part of a DevOps team, and are seeking ways to streamline their pipelines and drive more deployments while using less code