PPT格式 | 856KB |
| 165 浏览量 | 举报
This course is designed for students who need to learn MATLAB knowledge. The courseware is well-crafted, starting from the basics and progressing to more advanced topics, making it suitable for beginners or for reviewing knowledge.
Chapter 1 is one of the chapters in this course. For those interested, the entire course can be downloaded from the provided link.
The course covers the following chapters:
1. Chapter 1: MATLAB Application Basics - 60 pages
2. Chapter 2: Matlab Programming (1) Graphical Functions - 53 pages
3. Chapter 3: Matlab Programming (2) Loops - 29 pages
4. Chapter 4: Matlab Programming (3) M Function Files - 34 pages
5. Chapter 5: Numerical Analysis Methods Based on Matlab (1) - 30 pages
6. Chapter 6: Numerical Analysis Methods Based on Matlab (2) - 38 pages
7. Chapter 7: Numerical Analysis Methods Based on Matlab (3) - 30 pages
8. Chapter 8: Introduction to MATLAB Simulink - 25 pages
In Lecture 1, Fundamentals of MATLAB Application, the electronic school introduces students to the basics of MATLAB application. Throughout the course, students will learn how to utilize MATLAB for various tasks including programming, numerical analysis, and simulations with Simulink.
The comprehensive course material is suitable for individuals looking to enhance their MATLAB skills and gain a deeper understanding of its applications in various fields. Whether you are new to MATLAB or looking to refresh your knowledge, this course provides a solid foundation for mastering MATLAB and its functionalities. With detailed explanations and practical examples, students can develop their skills and expertise in utilizing MATLAB for data analysis, programming, and simulations.

142 浏览量

92 浏览量

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