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The paper "Identifying and correcting invalid citations due to DOI errors in Crossref data" by Alessia Cioffi and Sara Coppini from the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies at the University of Bologna, Italy, addresses the issue of invalid citations caused by DOI errors in Crossref data. The authors highlight the significance of accurate citation information and the impact that incorrect DOIs can have on the reliability of scholarly references.
Through their research, Cioffi and Coppini identify common DOI errors in Crossref data and propose methods for detecting and correcting these errors to ensure the integrity of academic citations. They emphasize the importance of maintaining accurate and up-to-date DOI information to facilitate effective scholarly communication and research dissemination.
The authors emphasize the role of digital humanities and digital knowledge in addressing this issue and stress the need for collaboration between researchers, publishers, and database managers to improve the quality of citation data. By identifying and rectifying DOI errors in Crossref data, Cioffi and Coppini aim to enhance the credibility and usability of scholarly references, ultimately benefiting the academic community as a whole.
Overall, this paper sheds light on the challenges associated with invalid citations due to DOI errors and provides practical solutions for improving the accuracy and reliability of scholarly references. It underscores the importance of meticulous attention to detail in academic publishing and calls for a concerted effort to address and rectify these issues to enhance the overall quality of scholarly communication.
2022-09-19 上传
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