
需积分: 5 3 下载量 103 浏览量 更新于2024-04-09 收藏 4.75MB DOCX 举报
The graduation thesis titled "Public Rental Housing Maintenance System Based on Java Technology" aims to develop a system that provides maintenance services for public rental housing. The system is built using Java technology and MySQL as the database platform, running on Windows with Tomcat as the application server. The system includes features such as homepage, personal center, owner management, maintenance unit management, housing information management, maintenance declaration management, maintenance completion management, and housing maintenance management. The thesis is structured into sections including analysis and design of the system, database design, and detailed system design. The system analysis and design section discusses the functionality analysis and design concept of the system, while the database design section elaborates on the database structure. The detailed system design section covers the detailed design process of the main modules. Key words for this thesis include public rental housing maintenance, Java technology, MySQL, and Tomcat. Overall, the thesis presents a comprehensive overview of the development process and functionalities of the public rental housing maintenance system, showcasing the author's proficiency in Java programming and database design. The system screenshots, testing procedures, and acknowledgments are also included in the thesis, providing a well-rounded explanation of the project. The references cited serve as a valuable resource for further exploration of the topic.