Passively Q-switched and femtosecond mode-
locked erbium-doped fiber laser based on a 2D
palladium disulfide (PdS
) saturable absorber
Department of Applied Physics and Materials Research Center, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
*Corresponding author: Yuen. Tsang@polyu.edu.hk
Received 11 October 2019; revised 26 December 2019; accepted 5 January 2020; posted 6 January 2020 (Doc. ID 380146);
published 24 March 2020
Stable Q-switched and mode-locked erbium-doped fiber lasers (EDFLs) are first demonstrated by using the novel
layered palladium disulfide (PdS
), a new member of group 10 transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs)-based
saturable absorbers (SAs). Self-started Q-switched operation at 1567 nm was achieved with a threshold pump
power of 50.6 mW. The modulation ranges of pulse duration and repetition rate were characterized as 12.6–4.5 μs
and 17.2–26.0 kHz, respectively. Meanwhile, a mode-locked EDFL was also obtained with a pump power thresh-
old of 106.4 mW. The achieved pulse duration is 803 fs, corresponding to a center wavelength of 1565.8 nm and
4.48 nm 3 dB bandwidth. To the best of our knowledge, the achieved pulse duration of the mode-locked EDFL in
this work is the narrowest compared with all other group 10 TMD SA-based lasers.
© 2020 Chinese Laser Press
Pulsed lasers are extensively being applied in diverse modern
technology fields, ranging from material processing [1,2], medi-
cal treatment [3,4], sensing, metrology [5], to scientific research
[6–8]. Depending on the application, either the Q-switching or
mode-locking technique is utilized to produce laser pulses with
nano- to femtosecond duration. An acousto-optic modulator
(AOM) [9]oranelectro-opticmodulator(EOM)[10] is used
to generate laser pulses actively. However, these active modula-
tors are bulky and costly. Comparatively, passive Q switching
and mode locking based on saturable absorbers (SAs) would
be a cost-effective technique for laser pulse generation.
An SA is a nonlinear optical (NLO) device whose transmit-
tance can be modulated passively according to the incident light
intensity. Semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors (SESAMs,
e.g., InGaAs [11]) and doped crystal (e.g., Cr
:YAG [12])
were typically utilized for inducing passively mode-locked
and Q-switched pulses, respectively. Nevertheless, their disad-
vantages of limited bandgap energy and complicated and ex-
pensive synthesis processes still limit the development of the
pulsed laser [13]. Therefore, the exploration of substitutional
SA materials with new features is a sustained quest in the
NLO field. Graphene is one of the most prominent demonstra-
tions of a broadband SA [14,15]. It also motivated the study
of other graphene-like two-dimensional (2D) material SAs,
for instance, graphene oxide [16,17], black phosphorus
(BP) [18,19], as well as transition metal dichalcogenid es
(TMDs) [20]. TMDs are 2D materials that consist of MX
molecular structure, where M is the group 4–10 transition
metal element (Nb, Mo, W) and X is the chalcogenide element
(S, Se, Te). In recent years, TMDs have attracted huge interest
due to their unique atomic structure, distinctive electrical and
photonic properties, strong mechanical strength [21], high
charge carrier mobility [22], and tunable electronic and photonic
properties [23,24]. TMDs have been widely applied in various
optoelectronic applications, ranging from photocatalysts [25]to
field-effect transistors (FETs) [26] to photodetectors [27–30],
and especially SAs (e.g., WS
Recently, the newly developed platinum (Pt)- and palladium
(Pd)-based group 10 layered materials have drawn enormous at-
tention due to the merits of high mobility, remarkable NLO
properties, and high air stability within an ambient environment
[34]. The literature has demonstrated the ultrastable operations
of PtSe
-[30,35,36] based optoelectronic
devices in ambient conditions, which suggested the group 10
TMDs are a promising candidate for laser photonic applications.
For the SA application, the works of Pt-based TMDs–SAs have
been well demonstrated, including of PtS
[37,38], PtSe
[13,34,39,40], and PtTe
[41]. However, there is no report
of ultrafast laser performance based on the Pd TMDs; therefore,
it is worthwhile to further explore and investigate the nonlinear
saturable absorption properties of these layered Pd TMDs.
Palladium disulfide (PdS
) is one of the most competitive can-
didates, with an interesting crystal structure and material proper-
ties. As shown in Fig. 1, PdS
has a pentagonal crystal structure
Research Article
Vol. 8, No. 4 / April 2020 / Photonics Research 511
2327-9125/20/040511-08 Journal © 2020 Chinese Laser Press