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本课程《Udemy - Deep Learning Recurrent Neural Networks in Python》由Lazy Programmer Inc.创建,于2017年5月更新,专注于深度学习中的循环神经网络(Recurrent Neural Networks, RNNs)在Python中的应用。课程内容涵盖了多个关键知识点,适合对深度学习感兴趣,特别是想在时间序列或序列数据上应用深度学习的学生和专业人士。 1. **简单理解RNN**:首先,课程会介绍简单的循环单元(Elman unit),这是RNN的基础构建模块,它允许网络处理序列数据并保留过去的信息。 2. **GRU和LSTM**:这两种更现代、高效的模型——Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) 和 Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM),是课程的核心部分。GRU通过门控机制减轻了传统RNN中的梯度消失问题,而LSTM则提供了更复杂的记忆机制,能更好地解决长期依赖问题。 3. **回溯时间反向传播**:学员将学习如何在RNN中实现反向传播算法,这是训练深层网络的关键步骤,尤其是在处理序列数据时。 4. **解决XOR和奇偶性问题**:课程通过扩展XOR问题为奇偶性问题,展示RNN如何在处理序列输入时超越传统神经网络的局限。 5. **语言建模与文本生成**:课程还将探讨如何用RNN进行语言建模,生成文本,如诗歌,这有助于理解序列数据中的模式和结构。 6. **词嵌入与可视化**:学习如何利用RNN创建词向量(word embeddings),并通过可视化工具探索单词向量表示中的潜在规律。 7. **必备技能与预备知识**:参与者需要具备基础数学知识(微积分和线性代数)、编程能力(Python、Numpy和Matplotlib),以及一定的概率知识和神经网络基础,包括使用Theano和Tensorflow构建网络。 8. **教学方法与资源**:课程强调实践和理解,而非单纯记忆,鼓励学生亲手编写代码,通过实验来深入理解模型内部工作原理。所有课程材料可免费下载,GitHub上有完整代码示例。 9. **课程目标受众**:针对希望提升深度学习技能的专业人士和学生,特别是那些想处理时间序列数据、研究语言建模、词向量和机器翻译技术的人。 10. **课程体系推荐**:课程作为深度学习系列的一部分,建议按照指定顺序学习,从基础的Numpy开始,逐步深入到更复杂的主题,如卷积神经网络和自然语言处理。 《Deep Learning: Recurrent Neural Networks in Python》是一门综合且实用的课程,通过深入浅出的方式教授RNN的理论和应用,适合想要在这个领域深入发展的学习者。
247 浏览量
eep Learning: Recurrent Neural Networks in Python: LSTM, GRU, and more RNN machine learning architectures in Python and Theano (Machine Learning in Python) by LazyProgrammer English | 8 Aug 2016 | ASIN: B01K31SQQA | 86 Pages | AZW3/MOBI/EPUB/PDF (conv) | 1.44 MB Like Markov models, Recurrent Neural Networks are all about learning sequences - but whereas Markov Models are limited by the Markov assumption, Recurrent Neural Networks are not - and as a result, they are more expressive, and more powerful than anything we’ve seen on tasks that we haven’t made progress on in decades. In the first section of the course we are going to add the concept of time to our neural networks. I’ll introduce you to the Simple Recurrent Unit, also known as the Elman unit. We are going to revisit the XOR problem, but we’re going to extend it so that it becomes the parity problem - you’ll see that regular feedforward neural networks will have trouble solving this problem but recurrent networks will work because the key is to treat the input as a sequence. In the next section of the book, we are going to revisit one of the most popular applications of recurrent neural networks - language modeling. One popular application of neural networks for language is word vectors or word embeddings. The most common technique for this is called Word2Vec, but I’ll show you how recurrent neural networks can also be used for creating word vectors. In the section after, we’ll look at the very popular LSTM, or long short-term memory unit, and the more modern and efficient GRU, or gated recurrent unit, which has been proven to yield comparable performance. We’ll apply these to some more practical problems, such as learning a language model from Wikipedia data and visualizing the word embeddings we get as a result. All of the materials required for this course can be downloaded and installed for FREE. We will do most of our work in Numpy, Matplotlib, and Theano. I am always available to answer