High-peak-power passively Q-switched Nd:YAG/Cr
composite laser with multiple-beam output
T. Dascalu, G. Croitoru, O. Grigore, and N. Pavel*
National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Laboratory of Solid-State Quantum Electronics,
Magurele, Ilfov, Bucharest 077125, Romania
*Corresponding author: nicolaie.pavel@inflpr.ro
Received July 26, 2016; revised September 25, 2016; accepted September 26, 2016;
posted September 28, 2016 (Doc. ID 272440); published October 21, 2016
We report on the design, realization, and output performance of a diode-pumped high-peak-power passively
Q-switched Nd:YAG∕Cr
:YAG composite medium monolithic laser with four-beam output. The energy of a
laser pulse was higher than 3 mJ with duration of 0.9 ns. The proposed system has the ability to choose inde-
pendently the focus of each beam. Such a laser device can be used for multipoint ignition of an automobile
gasoline engine, but could also be of interest for ignition in space propulsion or in turbulent conditions specific
to aeronautics. © 2016 Chinese Laser Press
OCIS codes: (140.3580) Lasers, solid-state; (140.3530) Lasers, neodymium; (140.3540) Lasers, Q-switched;
(140.5560) Pumping.
Ignition induced by laser is currently viewed as an alternative
technique to ignition realized by a spark plug, especially for
vehicles with internal combustion engines [1–4]. Among the
advantages of this new ignition method, one could mention:
(i) the absence of the quenching effect of the developing flame
kernel due to the lack of a spark plug electrode, resulting in
a shorter burn duration; (ii) the possibility to ignite at an op-
timal position into the engine chamber for efficient combus-
tion; (iii) lowering fuel consumption and decreasing exhaust
gas emissions under conditions of normal engine operation,
i.e., near the stoichiometric air–fuel ratio, or (iv) the possibil-
ity to ignite lean air –fuel mixtures and thus to further reduce
engine impact on the environment.
laser was used to obtain in 1978, for the first time, the
ignition by laser of a single-cylinder engine [5]. Furthermore,
a four-cylinder engine was ignited, in 2008, by a Q-switched
Nd:YAG laser [6]. Because of the experimental conditions,
the bulky lasers were placed outside of the engines and the
laser beams were directed into the engine cylinders by
adequate optics.
A solution for realization of a compact spark-like laser
device was proposed in 2007 by Kofler et al. [7]. Thus, it
was shown that a Nd:YAG laser medium that is passively
Q-switched by a Cr
:YAG crystal with saturable absorption
(SA) can deliver pulses with few-millijoule energy and nano-
second-order duration, suitable for laser ignition. The first
high-peak-power passively Q-switched Nd:YAG-Cr
spark-plug laser was realized in 2010 by Tsunekane et al.
[8]; furthermore, the same research group has investigated
the characteristics of a Yb:YAG-Cr
:YAG discrete media
combination for laser ignition applications [9]. Several other
approaches, like the passively Q-switched diffusion-bonded
:YAG laser with wedged Cr
:YAG SA [10]
or the diffusion-bonded Nd:YAG∕Cr
:YAG laser pumped
laterally through a YAG prism [11], could also be considered
and optimized in order to be used for ignition by a laser. It is
worth mentioning that the majority of these lasers were
pumped longitudinally with fiber-coupled diode lasers. On the
other hand, side pumping with a diode array enabled the reali-
zation of a high-energy Nd:YAG-Cr
:YAG laser (the so-called
HiPoLas laser) [12 ]; the same pumping scheme was employed
to build a passively Q-switched Nd:YAG-Cr
:YAG pulse-burst
laser for laser ignition [13].
For the first time, in 2013 an automobile gasoline engine
was ignited with only laser sparks by Taira et al. [14].
Recently, we have also operated a four-cylinder engine with
laser sparks [15]. Measurements at average speeds (below
2.000 rpm) concluded that ignition by laser improves engine
stability and decreases emission of CO and HC in comparison
with the same engine that was ignited by classical spark
plugs. In these experiments, laser sparks that were built with
diffusion-bonded Nd:YAG∕Cr
:YAG composite media and
that delivered single-beam output have been used [14,15].
On the other hand, a laser offers the possibility to obtain igni-
tion at multiple points, thus better and more uniform combus-
tion in comparison with ignition by electrical spark plugs. For
example, increased pressure and shorter combustion time
were measured for laser ignition in two points of CH
and H
∕air mixtures in a static chamber [16]. Also, experi-
ments realized with H
∕air mixtures (in a static chamber) con-
cluded that ignition at two points assures faster combustion
in comparison with single-point ignition [17].
To generate multiple points of ignition, several solutions
have been proposed. Thus, end pumping with three inde-
pendent lines of a passively Q-switched diffusion-bonded
:YAG composite ceramic medium allowed
realization of the first spark-plug-like laser device with three
focusing points, at fixed locations [18]. In another approach, a
spatial light modulator was applied to a single laser beam to
Dascalu et al. Vol. 4, No. 6 / December 2016 / Photon. Res. 267
2327-9125/16/060267-05 © 2016 Chinese Laser Press