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Data structure and algorithm are essential concepts in computer science, focusing on how data is organized and manipulated efficiently. In the book "Algorithm and Data Structure (based on modern C methods and practices)", the first chapter introduces the basics of data structure and algorithm. The chapter begins with the fundamental concepts of data structure, emphasizing the importance of understanding data types and their structures. Data types define the format of data and operations that can be performed on it, while data structures refer to the organization of data for efficient processing. Next, the chapter discusses the logical structure of data, which defines how data is arranged and related to each other. This involves understanding the relationships and operations that can be performed on the data elements. The chapter then delves into the storage structure of data, focusing on how data is stored in memory for easy access and manipulation. Different storage structures, such as arrays, linked lists, and trees, have different advantages and disadvantages that are crucial for designing efficient algorithms. Lastly, the chapter covers the operations that can be performed on data structures, highlighting the importance of algorithms in manipulating data effectively. Algorithms are step-by-step procedures for solving specific problems and are crucial for efficiently working with data structures. Overall, the first chapter of the book provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamental concepts of data structure and algorithm, laying the foundation for more advanced topics in the field. Understanding these concepts is essential for designing efficient algorithms and creating robust software applications. The practical approach based on modern C methods makes the book an invaluable resource for computer science students and professionals looking to enhance their knowledge in this crucial area of study.