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Optical micro/nanofibers are one-dimensional waveguiding structures with diameters close to or smaller than the vacuum wavelength of guided light, typically made from heated glass fibers through a process of physical stretching. These fibers are known for their smooth surfaces, uniform diameters, excellent mechanical properties, strong light field confinement, high evanescent field, surface field enhancement, and large waveguide dispersion dependent on diameter/wavelength ratio. Compared to other forms of micro/nanowaveguides with similar diameters or line widths, optical micro/nanofibers exhibit significantly lower light transmission losses.
In recent years, research on optical micro/nanofibers has shown promising applications in various fields such as optical near-field coupling, sensing, atomic optics, nonlinear optics, fiber laser technology, and optical force manipulation. This paper presents the recent research progress of our research group in the precise fabrication, near-field coupling, sensing, and nonlinear devices of optical micro/nanofibers. Additionally, a brief overview of related work from other research groups both domestically and internationally is provided. Finally, a summary and outlook on the research direction of optical micro/nanofibers are given.
Overall, optical micro/nanofibers hold great potential in advancing various areas of optical technology due to their unique properties and applications. Collaborative efforts in research and development will continue to expand the capabilities and opportunities for utilizing optical micro/nanofibers in cutting-edge technologies and innovations.
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