Specification of Watchdog Manager
Graph Control Flow Graph. A set of Checkpoints connected through Transitions,
where at least one of Checkpoints is an Initial Checkpoint. There is a path
(through Transitions) between any two Checkpoints of the Graph.
External Graph Graph that may involve more than one Supervised Entity. Its configuration is
Cross-Cluster External Graph A special kind of External Graph that spans over multiple Software Clusters
for Clustered Software Architecture. Its configuration is mode-dependent
(controlled by Host Software Cluster) and has dedicated configuration structure
Note: External Graph within one Software Cluster can be modelled without
the configuration structure dedicated for clustered software architecture.
External Transition An External Transition is a transition between two Checkpoints, where the
Checkpoints belong to different Supervised Entities.
Local Supervision Status Status that represents the current result of alive-supervision of a single
Supervised Entity.
Logical Supervision Kind of online supervision of software that checks if the software (Supervised
Entity or set of Supervised Entities) is executed in the sequence defined by the
programmer (by the developed code).
Internal Graph Graph that may not span over several Supervised Entity. Its configuration is
mode-independent and can be disabled by disabling the corresponding
Supervised Entity.
Internal Transition
An Internal Transition is a transition between two Checkpoints of a Supervised
A mode is a certain set of states of the various state machines that are running in
the vehicle that are relevant to a particular entity, e.g. a SW-C, a BSW module,
an application, a whole vehicle
In its lifetime, an entity changes between a set of mutually exclusive modes.
These changes are triggered by environmental data, e.g. signal reception,
operation invocation.
In the context of the Watchdog Manager a mode is defined by a set of
configuration options. The set of Supervised Entities to be supervised may vary
from mode to mode.
Supervised Entity A software entity which is included in the super vision of the Watchdog Manager.
Each Supervised Entity has exactly one identifier. A Supervised Entity denotes a
collection of Checkpoints within an instance of Software Component Types or
Basic Software Modules. There may be zero, one or more Supervised Entities in
an instance of Software Component Types or Basic Software Modules.
Supervised Entity Identifier An Identifier that identifies uniquely a Super vised Entity within an Application.
Supervision Counter An independent data resource in context of a Supervised Entity which is updated
by the Watchdog Manager during each Supervision Cycle and which is used by
the Alive Supervision algorithm to perform the check against counted Alive
Supervision Cycle The time base of Supervision Reference Cycle of Watchdog Manager,
where the cyclic Alive Supervision is performed. And it’s also the interval for
updating Global Supervision Status and execution of resulting Recovery Actions.
This is done in every call of the Main Function of belonging Watchdog Manager
and mode-dependent (may vary when swiching mode).
Supervision Reference Cycle The amount of Supervision Cycles to be used as reference by the Alive
Supervision to perform the check of counted Alive Indications (individually for
each Supervised Entity) and mode-dependent.
Table 2.2: Terms used in the scope of this Document
16 of 132 Document ID 80: AUTOSAR_CP_SWS_WatchdogManager