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&D process of the device. This thesis mainly describes the software development process of a spectrum testing system, which is based on a PC as its core, and achieves real-time data acquisition of light source spectra by controlling the PCI-1710L data acquisition card. The software is developed using Visual C 6.0 and is based on a single document architecture. The software interface is user-friendly and easy to operate, and has been applied in scientific research. Key words: spectrum testing, data acquisition, PCI-1710L, software." This is a brief summary of the content of the undergraduate thesis "Spectrum Testing Software Based on Data Acquisition Card". The thesis aims to introduce the development process of the spectrum testing software and its application in scientific research. The software is based on a data acquisition card and is capable of real-time data acquisition of light source spectra. It is developed using Visual C 6.0 and has a user-friendly interface. The thesis also discusses the importance of the spectrum of display devices in the R&D process and how the software has been applied in scientific research. Overall, the thesis provides a comprehensive overview of the software development process and its significance in scientific research.
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