an operator which is suppressed from the traditional EFT interpretation, but not necessarily
from the perspective of the re-organised EFT, based on the hierarchy between derivatives. If
an operator is important in the re-organised EFT we refer to it as “technically important.”
2.1 Cut-off versus strong coupling scale
Before we proceed with the computation of the quantum corrections, it is instructive to
recapitulate the concept of regime of validity of the classical field theory. In the literature
the difference between the concepts of cut-off, Λ
, and that of strong coupling scale, Λ, has
sometimes appeared blurred, and so we will define them here. We will also need to introduce
the notion of regularisation scale, Λ
, and infrared regulator, κ, which are independent from
both the cut-off and the strong coupling scale. The only requirement is that Λ
, κ < Λ
and Λ ≤ Λ
By definition the strong-coupling scale of a theory, Λ, is the scale at which the dominant
interactions arise and it signals the break-down of perturbative tree-level unitarity. In a
standard EFT approach, at this scale the classical solutions are no longer a good description
for the physical system at hand, and quantum corrections (i.e., loops) have to be taken into
However, the breakdown of perturbative unitarity does not necessarily imply the break-
down of unitarity and hence new physics. The later scale is the cutoff of the theory, the
highest scale at which the EFT can be utilised without introducing new heavy physics. The
reason the strong coupling scale and the cut-off are not necessarily the same is that the
breakdown of perturbative unitarity only indicates the breakdown of perturbation theory. In
a theory with a hermitian Hamiltonian, strongly coupled loop effects may restore unitarity
postponing the true breakdown of the EFT to a higher scale.
The concept of strong coupling scale is thus very distinct from that of cut-off which
defines the onset of new physics. The practical implications of identifying the scale Λ depend
on the theory at hand, but the following statements are generically true:
1. In many cases, the strong coupling scale, Λ, coincides with the onset of new physics, in
which case Λ ∼ Λ
2. However, there can also be a hierarchy between Λ and Λ
. At the strong coupling scale,
Λ, different scenarios may occur and we highlight that in some of them the theory
may still provide a correct description of the physics at that scale Λ, if Λ Λ
. In
(a) In certain cases it is sufficient to include a finite number of loops to restore a good
description of the microphysical processes at that scale (see, for instance, ref. [47]
for an instructive ‘self-healing’ example).
(b) In most cases an infinite number of diagrams contributing at the scale Λ should be
taken into account in order to provide a good description of the physical processes
at that scale. However, this does not mean that the theory necessarily loses
predictivity at the scale Λ. It only signifies that, at that energy, accurate estimates
can only be obtained by applying some resummation technique.
Physical systems where an infinite number of classes of loop diagrams may be
resumed to give finite results (and sometimes even close to classical results) are well
known and include Bremsstrahlung scattering (vacuum version of the Cherenkov
radiation process) [48]. See also ref. [49] for an example in a nonlinar chiral theory.
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