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收藏 800KB DOCX 举报
b is able to establish a complete, efficient, and reliable hotel business information system, providing a good information environment for hotels and enhancing their market competitiveness. This system is developed using PHP programming language, with MySQL as the backend database, Apache as the server configuration, and a combination of JavaScript and HTML languages to achieve a web-based hotel room management system. The system includes online reservation and message functions, allowing users to provide real-time feedback and enabling hotel management to promptly identify customer needs. It also features room information management, member information management, financial management, and other functions to facilitate efficient system management for administrators. Through the design of modules such as hotel front desk reservation, front desk message, room information management, member information management, and hotel financial management, a multifunctional room management system has been completed. After thorough testing, the system successfully meets all expected requirements and can independently operate for use by hotel management personnel. The key features of this system include network connectivity, hotel management, information technology, and web-based functionality.
2021-09-16 上传
2023-08-07 上传
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