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SideReal Time Infrastructure Design Ideas
The "LAMP人基于nodejs的云端一体实时基础设施设计思路PPT学习课件.pptx" presentation introduces the concept of real-time web infrastructure design using nodejs on the cloud. The presentation delves into the traditional and new real-time product scenarios, discussing the significance of real-time web and the design ideas behind it.
The traditional real-time product scenarios are analyzed, highlighting the need for real-time web and the importance of bringing offline data into real-time web applications. The presentation then explores the new real-time product scenarios, featuring insights from industry experts such as Wang Xing, who emphasizes the true meaning of real-time web as the real-timeization of offline data.
The design ideas for real-time infrastructure are then introduced, focusing on the concept of cloud and edge unification, infrastructure standardization, and the use of Node.js for cloud unification. The presentation emphasizes the need for a unified programming model for cloud and edge, and the importance of overcoming the traditional boundaries between cloud and edge.
In summary, the "LAMP人基于nodejs的云端一体实时基础设施设计思路PPT学习课件.pptx" presentation provides a comprehensive overview of the design ideas for real-time web infrastructure. It highlights the importance of real-time web in modern data scenarios, and the need for cloud and edge unification, infrastructure standardization, and the use of Node.js for cloud unification. The presentation serves as a valuable resource for understanding the significance and design principles of real-time web infrastructure.
- 粉丝: 8
- 资源: 58万+
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