Vector Soliton Generation in a Tm Fiber Laser
Yong Wang, Siming Wang, Jiaolin Luo, Yanqi Ge, Lei Li, Dingyuan Tang, Deyuan Shen,
Shumin Zhang, Frank W. Wise, and Luming Zhao, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—Vector soliton generation is experimentally demon-
strated in an all-fiber Tm/Ho-doped fiber laser operated at
1951 nm. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first clear evidence
of group-velocity-locked vector soliton formation around 2 µm.
Numerical simulation well reproduces the experimental obser-
vation and suggests that the central wavelength shift between
the two orthogonal polarized components of the vector soliton is
determined by the cavity birefringence. The central wavelength
shift increased with the increasing of the cavity birefringence.
However, the vector solitons become linearly polarized if the
cavity birefringence is too strong. Experimental observation
and numerical simulations both suggest that the vector soliton
generation is wavelength independent.
Index Terms— Vector soliton, optical fiber lasers, ultrafast
ECTOR solitons refer to solitons with multiple compo-
nents trapped together and propagating with same group
velocity in the media. Except the polarization maintaining
fiber, generally speaking, fibers have weak birefringence.
In another word, there are two orthogonal polarization direc-
tions in a fiber. Therefore, vector solitons could be generated
in fibers. Curtis R. Menyuk first predicted the existence of
vector solitons in optical fibers [1], [2]. The central frequency
shift between orthogonal polarizations is able to lock the
two polarizations together. That is, regardless of the intrinsic
group velocity difference caused by the fiber birefringence,
two solitons formed along each polarization direction of a
weakly birefringent fiber can trap each other and propagate
as a non-dispersive unit.
Manuscript received January 10, 2014; revised February 6, 2014; accepted
February 10, 2014. Date of publication February 12, 2014; date of current
version March 20, 2014. This work was supported in part by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61275109 and in part by
the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education
Y. Wang and D. Shen are with the School of Physics and Electronic
Engineering, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221116, China, also with
the Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Laser Materials and Devices,
Jiangsu 212013, China, and also with the Department of Optical Sci-
ence and Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China (e-mail:;
S. Wang, J. Luo, Y. Ge, L. Li, D. Tang, and L. Zhao are with the
School of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Jiangsu Normal University,
Xuzhou 221116, China, and also with the Jiangsu Key Laboratory of
Advanced Laser Materials and Devices, Jiangsu 212013, China (e-mail:;;;;;
S. Zhang is with the College of Physics Science and Information Engi-
neering, Hebei Advanced Thin Films Laboratory, Hebei Normal University,
Shijiazhuang 050024, China (e-mail:
F. W. Wise is with the Department of Applied Physics, Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY 14853 USA (e-mail:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available
online at
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LPT.2014.2305988
Soliton trapping effect has been experimentally
demonstrated either in optical fibers [3], [4], or in fiber
lasers [5]–[7]. Solitons generated in fiber lasers are different
from those formed in fibers. Apart from the balanced
interaction between the cavity dispersion effect and the fiber
nonlinear effect imposed on the pulses propagating in the fiber
laser cavity, solitons generated in fiber lasers are subject to
the dynamic balance between the cavity gain and loss, as well
as the cavity boundary condition. If the fiber laser is operated
in the anomalous dispersion regime, characteristic sideband
structure appears on the optical spectrum due to the periodic
discrete perturbations of the cavity components [8]. The
sideband position on the soliton spectrum is determined by the
soliton parameters and the net cavity dispersion. Generally the
sidebands are narrow and pair-wise symmetric to the soliton
peak wavelength. Therefore, the sidebands could function as
a good indicator to suggest the wavelength/frequency shift
between the solitons along the two orthogonal polarizations.
Zhao et al have experimentally observed and numerically
confirmed that depending on the net cavity birefringence,
there may exist two sets of soliton sidebands on the vector
soliton spectrum in an erbium-doped fiber laser operated in
the anomalous dispersion regime around 1.55 μm [5]. The
wavelength shift between the same order sidebands depends
on the cavity birefringence. For fiber lasers operated in the
normal dispersion regime, wavelength shift as-well exists [6]
even though there are no sidebands on the soliton spec-
trum and the solitons are chirped. Recently the experimental
observation of vector solitons with locked and precessing
states of polarization for fundamental and multipulse soliton
operations [9], and soliton molecules [10] are reported in
a carbon nanotube mode-locked fiber laser with anomalous
dispersion laser cavity.
The wavelength regime around 2 μm is part of the so-called
“eye safe” wavelength region. Laser systems operated in this
region have exceptional advantage for free space applications,
as well as for medical applications due to the strong water
absorption. As the fiber birefringence is caused by deviations
of the core shape from circularity, by transverse internal stress,
or by residual twist especially in a fiber laser cavity, it is
desired to know whether the vector solitons could be generated
in this wavelength regime or not. In this letter we report the
vector soliton generation in an all-fiber Tm/Ho-doped fiber
laser operated around 1950 nm. To the best of our knowledge,
it is the first clear evidence of group-velocity-locked vector
soliton formation around 2 μm. We numerically demonstrate
that the central wavelength shift between the two orthogonally
polarized components of the vector soliton is determined by
the cavity birefringence. With moderate fiber birefringence,
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