"Chapter-2 数学基础与数据结构1;集合、关系、函数和递归方程求解"

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Chapter-2 focuses on the basics of mathematics and data structures, including sets, relations, functions, sum calculations, recursive equation solving, and the Master Theorem. It also covers fundamental data structures and the solution of linear homogeneous and non-homogeneous recursive equations. Specifically, it delves into the analysis of first and second-order homogeneous equations and provides an intuitive approach to solving them through direct recursion. The chapter emphasizes the importance of understanding these concepts when analyzing algorithms, as they often involve first or second-order equations. It also provides an in-depth examination of quadratic equations and their solutions. Overall, Chapter-2 lays the groundwork for a comprehensive understanding of mathematical principles and their applications in data structures.

7.main方法参数的使用。阅读下面的代码。 --------程序清单------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package chapter06; public class CommandLine { public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length == 0) { System.out.println("Hello, welcome to Java!"); } else { switch (args[0]) { case "-draw" -> { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = i; j < 3; j++) System.out.print("*"); System.out.println(); } } case "-add" -> {// + int sum = 0; for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { int num = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); sum += num; if (i != 1 && num > 0) System.out.print("+"); System.out.print(args[i]); } System.out.println("=" + sum); } default -> { System.out.println("no such command-line option"); } } } } } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 以下操作都在该类源文件所在的文件夹下。 (a)(2分)编译完该类后,如果在终端通过输入命令“java chapter06.CommandLine -cdl Wenzhou”运行该类,此时main方法的形参args其每个元素的值是什么? (b)(16分)分别通过以下命令运行该程序,其输出结果是什么?请简单说明你的理由(没有理由不给分)。 java chapter06.CommandLine -add 12 31 44 -1 -2 java chapter06.CommandLine -draw java chapter06.CommandLine java chapter06.CommandLine -cdl (c)(2分)在Eclipse里设置运行配置,然后得到(b)中第1条命令运行效果并截图。 答:

2023-05-25 上传