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The passage discusses the concept of the subject and predicate in English grammar, focusing on various elements that can act as the subject in a sentence. It emphasizes that the subject is the person or thing that the sentence is about and typically appears at the beginning of the sentence. The passage also highlights that the subject can be represented by different parts of speech, including nouns, pronouns, numerals, gerunds, infinitives, and clauses.
The examples provided in the passage illustrate the different ways in which these elements can function as the subject in a sentence. These examples include sentences with nouns as the subject ("Mr. Lee is a well-known scientist"), pronouns as the subject ("He reads newspapers every day"), numerals as the subject ("Two and ten is twelve"), gerunds as the subject ("Smoking is harmful to health"), infinitives as the subject ("To swim in that pool is a great pleasure"), and clauses as the subject ("What we shall do next is not yet decided").
Furthermore, the passage also briefly touches on the concept of the predicate, which describes the action, state, or characteristic of the subject. It provides examples of sentences with different types of predicates to illustrate this concept.
In conclusion, the passage serves as a comprehensive overview of the subject in English grammar, highlighting the different elements that can serve as the subject in a sentence and providing clear examples to illustrate each case. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the role of the subject in forming coherent and grammatically correct sentences. Overall, the passage provides a solid foundation for understanding and identifying the subject in English grammar.
234 浏览量
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