Python Kivy 2nd Ed.: 开发跨平台互动应用与游戏的开源库指南

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《Kivy:Python中的互动应用与游戏开发(第二版)》是一本由Roberto Ulloa编著的专业书籍,专为那些希望利用开源库Kivy在Python环境下创建响应式、跨平台用户界面(UI)和用户体验(UX)设计者量身定制。本书针对的是Python游戏开发者和对图形用户界面有兴趣的程序员,提供了全面的指导,帮助他们掌握如何利用Kivy构建功能丰富的应用。 Kivy的核心在于其能够在不同操作系统(如Windows、macOS、Linux和移动设备)上实现一致的用户体验,这得益于其对多种平台的兼容性和底层的多线程支持。通过学习本书,读者将学会如何: 1. **理解Kivy框架**:掌握Kivy的基本概念,包括其层次结构、控件体系和事件驱动模型,这些都是构建应用程序的基础。 2. **设计用户界面**:学习如何设计吸引人的UI元素,如文本、图像、按钮、布局等,并了解如何利用Kivy的动画和过渡效果提升用户体验。 3. **响应式设计**:理解如何适应不同屏幕尺寸和分辨率,确保应用程序在各种设备上的表现一致。 4. **游戏开发**:利用Kivy的游戏开发模块,包括物理引擎、音效处理和碰撞检测,开发2D游戏和交互式体验。 5. **性能优化**:了解如何提高应用程序的性能,包括内存管理、图形渲染和资源加载的最佳实践。 6. **实战项目**:书中包含多个实际项目的例子,让读者在实践中巩固所学知识,逐步提升编程技能。 7. **版权和许可**:书中强调版权法律,确保所有复制、存储或传输内容的行为都需遵循出版商的授权规定。 尽管本书力求准确,但读者需要意识到信息可能会随着时间的推移和技术更新而有所变化,因此在开发过程中可能需要结合最新的文档和社区资源进行补充学习。《Kivy:Python中的互动应用与游戏开发(第二版)》是一本深入浅出的指南,无论是初学者还是经验丰富的开发者,都能从中获得宝贵的实践经验。
2015-07-16 上传
Create responsive cross-platform UI/UX applications and games in Python using the open source Kivy library About This Book Utilize the power of Kivy to develop applications that run on all the major platforms Build user interfaces (UI) and control multi-touch events to improve the user experience (UX) A comprehensive tutorial with simplified code and lots of tips and tricks Who This Book Is For If you are a Python developer who wants to create exciting and dynamic UI/UX applications that are compatible with multiple platforms, then this is the book for you. No prior experience with Kivy is required, although you should be familiar with Python and have a fair understanding of software engineering concepts such as inheritance, classes, and instances. What You Will Learn Build responsive user interfaces (UIs) using the Kivy language and the Kivy widgets Master the use of the Kivy canvas to display graphics on screen Keep the UI updated on user input and screen size with Kivy properties Bind and unbind Kivy events to control widgets, touches, the mouse, the keyboard, and animations Scale, rotate, and translate widgets using finger gestures Create and use your own gestures, and control multiple touches on the screen Enhance your widgets with behaviors, animations, and transitions Debug your application with the Kivy inspector In Detail Kivy – Interactive Applications and Games in Python Second Edition, will equip you with all the necessary knowledge to create interactive, responsive, and cross-platform applications and games. This book introduces the Kivy language and the necessary components so you can implement a graphical user interface (GUI) and learn techniques to handle events, detect gestures, and control multi-touch actions. You will learn strategies to animate your applications, and obtain interactive, professional-looking, and responsive results. You will be applying this knowledge throughout the book by developing three applications and tackling their diverse programming challenges. Table of Contents Chapter 1. GUI Basics – Building an Interface Chapter 2. Graphics – the Canvas Chapter 3. Widget Events – Binding Actions Chapter 4. Improving the User Experience Chapter 5. Invaders Revenge – an Interactive Multi-touch Game Chapter 6. Kivy Player – a TED Video Streamer