Synthesis Design of Ultra-Wideband Bandpass Filters
With Composite Series and Shunt Stubs
Rui Li, Student Member, IEEE, Sheng Sun, Member, IEEE, and Lei Zhu, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—This paper presents a direct synthesis procedure for
efficient design of a class of ultra-wideband bandpass filters with
composite series and shunt transmission-line stubs. The proposed
single-stage bandpass prototype is formed by cascading two sets
of series open-ended and shunt short-ended stubs through a mul-
tisection nonuniform transmission line. All the stubs are set with
an identical electrical length, i.e.,
, at lower cutoff frequency
and the middle connecting line is composed of stepped-impedance
transmission line with
sections, and each section has an electrical
. The proposed filter topology aims to construct an ultra-
wide bandpass filter with Chebyshev equal-ripple responses and
( +3)
in-band transmission poles. Based on the derivation of the
transfer function, a synthesis approach is established and system-
atically described to design this type of filters according to the spec-
ifications such as lower/upper cutoff frequencies. Next, a multi-
stage bandpass filter prototype is proposed and the synthesis design
procedure is also presented. The implementation is achieved by
using hybrid microstrip line and slotline sections. Compared with
traditional stub filters, the proposed filters achieve higher order
transmission zeros and thus provide higher selectivity. As design
examples, two single-stage and one three-stage bandpass filters are
designed and fabricated to confirm the theoretical predictions.
Index Terms—Bandpass filter, equal-ripple response, multistage,
series/shunt stubs, single stage, synthesis design, ultra-wideband.
INCE THE Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
in the U.S. authorized the unlicensed use of ultra-wide-
band devices in the frequency band of 3.1–10.6 GHz in 2002
[1], great interest has been aroused from both academic and
industrial areas toward ultra-wideband technology. As a key
component in the ultra-wideband wireless communication sys-
tems, microwave bandpass filters with high performance, com-
pact size, and low cost are highly demanded. Numerous ultra-
wideband bandpass filters with various desired features have
been reported [2]–[15]. Nevertheless, these filters are usually
designed relying on the cut-and-try approach where the overall
filter layout with electrically large size is simulated again and
Manuscript received October 15, 2008; revised December 10, 2008. First pub-
lished February 13, 2009; current version published March 11, 2009.
R. Li and L. Zhu are with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798 (e-mail: liru0003@ntu.
edu.sg; ezhul@ntu.edu.sg).
S. Sun was with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore 639798. He is now with the Institute of
Microwave Techniques, University of Ulm, 89081 Ulm, Germany (e-mail: sun-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2009.2013312
again using the commercial software towards the specified ultra-
wide passband. As a result, there is a demand for developing a
systematic synthesis approach such that these bandpass filters
with a fractional bandwidth of 110% can be efficiently designed.
To address this issue, the conventional high-pass prototype
with short-circuited shunt stubs [16] has been adopted in [2]–[6]
to explore various bandpass filters with ultra-wide bandwidth.
In [2], this type of wideband filter was initially presented and
then systematically synthesized in [3]. However, the resultant
filter block in [3], composed of high-pass, low-pass, and iso-
lation sections, occupied a large circuitry area. Hence, exten-
sive work has been carried out toward miniaturizing the overall
filter size and improving the electrical performance at the same
time. In [4], an electromagnetic (EM) bandgap structure was
formed on the connecting line between two adjacent stubs to
suppress the upper spurious harmonics. An extra cross-coupling
route was purposely introduced between the input and output
ports in [5] and [6] to enhance the filter selectivity and to im-
prove the group-delay performance. However, in constructing
these filters on microstrip-line topology, via-holes are always
required to realize the short-ended terminals for all shunt stubs.
As a dual of the high-pass prototype with shunt short-circuited
stubs, a high-pass filter with series open-circuited stubs was the-
oretically studied in [17]. Later, this filter network was imple-
mented using a 3/4 wavelength parallel-coupled line resonator
to synthesize and design an ultra-wideband bandpass filter [15].
For the readers’ reference, it needs to be pointed out that the ini-
tial generating functions with bandpass filtering behavior were
presented in [18] for an ideal transmission-line filter network.
However, no work has been reported thus far to physically im-
plement such a microwave filter based on any transmission-line
structure and to experimentally demonstrate its real filtering per-
In this paper, an alternative class of ultra-wideband bandpass
filters with single and multiple stages implemented using com-
posite series and shunt stubs is proposed. In Section II, a syn-
thesis approach is developed to efficiently design the single-
stage bandpass filters in the closed-form format following the
studies in [16]–[18]. Fig. 1(a) and (b) depicts the general trans-
mission-line models with an odd- and even-integer
, respec-
tively. In the synthesis procedure, the transfer functions are at
first analytically derived and regulated to exhibit the Cheby-
shev equal-ripple frequency responses in the ultra-wide pass-
bands. Under equalization of the insertion-loss functions, all
the normalized element values in the prototype filters can be
accordingly determined. Next, this procedure is applied to syn-
thesis design a multistage bandpass filter. Since there has been
no reported work in practical implementation for these filter
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