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This article provides a detailed overview of the design of a water temperature control system with voice broadcasting function from both hardware and software perspectives. The system is based on the AT89C51 microcontroller as the detection and control center, which offers strong functionality to meet the design requirements. The DS18B20 is utilized as the data acquisition chip, eliminating the need for AD conversion and allowing for simple interfacing with the microcontroller, making programming easier.
What sets this design apart from conventional water temperature control systems is the incorporation of a voice broadcasting function. This feature is made possible by the ISD4004 voice chip, which utilizes a patented "Direct Analog Storage" technology. This technology eliminates the need for signal processing steps such as analog-to-digital conversion, digital compression, and speech synthesis, resulting in reduced distortion and significantly improved sound storage effects compared to previous products.
Due to the low output current of the microcontroller, the output current is controlled by a relay through an MOC optocoupler, which in turn controls the operation of the water pump for temperature regulation. This system offers various functions such as setting, broadcasting, controlling water temperature, and issuing alarm notifications for temperature limits.
Overall, this water temperature control system with voice broadcasting function provides a comprehensive and efficient solution for temperature regulation in various settings. Its use of advanced technologies and components ensures high performance, ease of use, and improved sound quality, making it a valuable addition to any environment requiring precise temperature control.
2023-07-01 上传
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