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commerce applications, it is necessary to establish a network-based car rental website. This thesis starts from the current development status of the domestic car rental industry, supplemented with illustrations, and detailed the feasibility analysis of the website, use case analysis, specific steps for website development, and application technology. The website adopts the B/S structure, Java as the development platform, SQL Server as the backend database, and uses Dreamweaver, MyEclipse as the development tools. The website includes two main parts: front-end operations and back-end management. On the one hand, it provides functions such as website registration, login, and car information retrieval for ordinary users. On the other hand, it provides enterprise users with functions such as publishing car rental information, car information management, enterprise-related information management, and enterprise culture management. Keywords: Information platform; website development; car rental. - III -Introduction With the rapid development of the society, people's living standards have been greatly improved, and the demand for car rental services has also increased. However, the traditional mode of operation of car rental companies cannot meet the personalized needs of consumers. In order to meet the needs of the market and improve the efficiency of operations, it is necessary to establish a network-based car rental system. This paper focuses on the development and implementation of a car rental system using SQL Server, with the aim of providing a more efficient and user-friendly platform for both consumers and car rental companies. - IV -Thesis Structure This thesis is divided into several sections. The first section introduces the background and significance of the research, as well as the structure and development technology of the system. The following sections focus on the analysis of system requirements, feasibility, and functionality, as well as the design and development of the database and detailed system design. The testing and evaluation of the system are also discussed, followed by a conclusion and acknowledgments. - V -Development Technology The car rental system is developed using Java as the programming language and SQL Server as the backend database. The B/S structure is adopted for the website, and Dreamweaver and MyEclipse are used as the development tools. These technologies and tools are chosen for their reliability, efficiency, and user-friendly interface, which are essential for the development of a successful and user-friendly car rental system. - VI -Requirements Analysis The requirements analysis focuses on the needs of both consumers and car rental companies. It includes the functions and features that are required for the front-end operations, such as user registration, login, and car information retrieval, as well as the back-end management functions for car rental companies, such as car information management and enterprise-related information management. - VII -Feasibility Analysis The feasibility analysis assesses the technical, economic, and operational feasibility of developing the car rental system. It considers the potential benefits and drawbacks of the system, as well as the potential challenges and risks that may arise during the development and implementation process. - VIII -Function Analysis The function analysis details the specific functions and features that are included in the car rental system, both for consumers and car rental companies. This includes the user interface, search and booking functionalities, as well as the management and administration tools for car rental companies. - IX -Business Process Analysis The business process analysis outlines the workflows and processes involved in the car rental system, from the user registration and car search, to the booking and payment processes, as well as the management and administration processes for car rental companies. - X -Database Design The database design includes the ER diagram, data dictionary, and data flow diagrams, which outline the structure and relationships of the database tables and entities, as well as the data flow and data management processes within the system. - XI -Detailed Design The detailed design provides a step-by-step guide to the development and implementation of the car rental system, including the system architecture, user interface design, and backend management tools. - XII -System Screenshots The system screenshots provide visual representations of the car rental system, including the user interface, search and booking functionalities, as well as the management and administration tools for car rental companies. - XIII -Testing The testing section details the testing and evaluation processes that were conducted to ensure the functionality and reliability of the car rental system, including unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing. - XIV -Conclusion The conclusion summarizes the key findings and achievements of the research, and discusses the potential impact and future developments of the car rental system. - XV -Acknowledgments The acknowledgments section expresses gratitude to the individuals and organizations that have contributed to the research and development of the car rental system. - XVI -References The references section provides a list of the sources and materials that were consulted and cited in the research and development of the car rental system.