
0 下载量 16 浏览量 更新于2024-02-26 收藏 1.18MB PPT 举报
"Database System Introduction (Fourth Edition) - Wang Shan - Sa Shixuan - chp3-1.ppt; Database System Introduction (Fourth Edition) - Wang Shan - Sa Shixuan - chp3-1.ppt This document is detailed and complete, worthy of reference and download, feel free to download and use it, and if you have any questions, please contact the author in a timely manner. An Introduction to Database System, School of Information, Renmin University of China, Chapter 3: Standard Language SQL An Introduction to Database System, Chapter 3: Standard Language SQL 3.1 Overview of SQL 3.2 Student-Course Database 3.3 Data Definition 3.4 Data Query 3.5 Data Update 3.6 View 3.7 Conclusion An Introduction to Database System 3.1 Overview of SQL  SQL (Structured Query Language) is the standard language for relational databases  SQL is a general and powerful relational database language An Introduction to Database System Overview of SQL (continued)  3.1.1 The development of SQL  3.1.2 Features of SQL  3.1.3 Basic concepts of SQL The process of SQL standard development Standard Approximate number of pages ;"