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"Heat transfer—a review of 2002 literature"
1. **引言**
2. **导热**
- **接触导热/接触电阻**:讨论了材料间的接触如何影响热量传递,以及接触电阻对热流的影响。
- **微尺度/纳米尺度热传输,非傅里叶效应和激光/脉冲加热**:探讨了在微纳米尺度下,热量传递的新特性,包括非经典热传导现象以及利用激光或脉冲加热技术进行的研究。
- **复杂几何形状中的热传导,复合材料/层状介质和鳍片**:研究了在不规则形状和特殊结构中热传导的规律,以及复合材料和鳍片设计对热管理的影响。
- **分析/数值方法和建模/仿真技术**:介绍了新的理论分析工具和计算模拟方法,这些工具对于理解和预测热传递过程至关重要。
- **实验研究**:提到了一系列实验研究,这些研究通过实测数据验证理论模型并推动了传热科学的发展。
- **热应力与热机械问题**:分析了热载荷引起的应力及其对材料结构稳定性的影响。
- **其他应用**:涵盖了传热研究在其他领域,如材料科学、生物医学工程等的应用。
3. **边界层与外部流动**
- **外部效应**:讨论了外部环境条件,如流体动力学特性,对边界层形成和热交换的影响。
- **几何效应**:研究了不同几何形状如何改变流动和传热特性,例如曲率、粗糙度等对流体动力学和热传输的微妙影响。
- **压缩性和高流速问题**:在高速流动和高压条件下,传热和流动行为的变化,特别是在航空航天和涡轮机械中的应用。
transport of heat and mass have been focal points but
with little comparison to experiment. Structured media,
such as that produced by staggered parallel fiber arrays
for filtering, were similarly treated numerically with bulk
and Brownian transport of suspended particles [365].
Flow and heat transfer in hydrothermal systems with
discrete cracks were show to depend on Peclet number,
permeability, and presence of cracks [366]. Mixed con-
vection in vertical channel flow was analyzed in terms
of permeability variations under the assumption of neg-
ligible Brinkman and Forcheimer effects [367]. Aiding
mixed convection in an anisotropic channel with oblique
principal axes was analyzed for the full range of possible
flows to elucidate effects of permeability variations [368].
Measurements of interstitial convective heat transfer
and frictional drag for duct flow through metal foams
showed that friction factor and volumetric heat transfer
coefficient increase with lower foam porosity at a fixed
Reynolds number [369]. Forced convection in channels
filled with metallic fibers was numerically analyzed and
found to be influenced by stagnant thermal conductivity,
Darcy number and fiber thickness [370].
Research was reported on the validity of the thermal
equilibrium assumption [321]. Laminar forced convec-
tion in structured porous media, including combined
free and porous zone flows, revealed some interesting
flow patterns and possible existence of recirculating flow
[371–373]. Measurements of heat transfer to a packed
bed comprising mono-sized glass spheres and either
water or a water–glycerin solution were interpreted in
terms measured temperature profiles [374]. For three-
dimensional flow, a combined time and space discretiza-
tion method was developed [375].
Fluidized bed flow and heat transfer were investi-
gated experimentally for both two- and three-phase
beds. Heat transfer measurements from a heated vibrat-
ing cylinder in a bed of glass particles displayed different
regimes depending on bed operating parameters [376].
Experiments on heat transfer to wall surfaces and to a
variety of immersed bodies were correlated for wide
range of Archimedes number under slugging flow
[377]. In other experiments, bubble and slug lengths were
determined by decomposition of non-invasive power
spectral density measurements [378]. The addition of
angled deflectors to the fin region of a membrane
water–wall heat exchanger surface in a circulating fluid-
ized bed was shown to produce a significant increase in
heat transfer rates [379].
Experiments on two- and three-phase fluidized beds
showed that heat transfer coefficients exhibit a maxi-
mum depending on gas and liquid velocities [380]. Heat
transfer coefficients to large spheres in a fluidized sand
bed were measured for a range of gas velocities and
interpreted with a model that does not depend on bubble
fraction [381]. Analysis of high temperature circulating
fluidized beds showed that thermal radiation can ac-
count for up to sixty percent of total heat transfer rate,
depending on particle and gas convection rates [382].
For the particulate fluid beds, analysis showed that the
heat transfer coefficient increases to a maximum and
then decreases as bed void fraction increases [383].
6.4. Porous layers and enclosures
The onset of thermal convection in layers heated
from below was analyzed to determine the influences
of a magnetic field, gravity variation, rotation, internal
heat sources, thermal radiation, and vertical through
flow [384–386]. Heat transfer characteristics at the onset
of chaos in bottom-heated cavities were obtained via a
generalized integral transform technique [387]. The
onset of convection in Darcy–Brinkman flow was deter-
mined via an asymptotic analysis of the singular pertur-
bation problem in the limit of small Darcy number [388].
A two-temperature model was also employed for the
same flow model to show that thermal non-equilibrium
can raise the critical Rayleigh number above LapwoodÕs
value [389].
A two-equation model including viscous and inertial
effects was used to determine non-equilibrium effects on
overall Nusselt numbers for natural convection in a
square enclosure [390,391]. A non-equilibrium model
was shown to better represent non-Darcy natural con-
vection in high porosity metal foams heated from below
than one in which local thermal equilibrium is assumed
Numerical solutions for transient three-dimensional
Darcy natural convection in vertical cavities were ob-
tained to show the succession of stable solutions [393].
Non-Darcy effects were similarly analyzed for the verti-
cal annulus, and heat transfer rate decreased with de-
creased Darcy number [394]. For the spherical annular
sector, natural convection exhibits multi-cellular flows
for small aspect ratio [395]. Convection in a tilted frac-
ture in an otherwise impermeable domain was analyzed
to predict the effects of convection on the overall tem-
perature distribution [396].
Natural convection in a vertical cavity comprising
two layers of different permeability was shown to exhibit
a wide range of penetrative flows depending on Rayleigh
number and the permeability ratio [397]. Transient con-
vection with heat generation was numerically analyzed
for two-dimensional flow in a rectangular cavity with
air as the fluid phase [398]. A parallel study for a cylin-
drical cavity revealed the effects of aspect ratio and
anisotropy on heat transfer coefficients [399].
For cavities with an oscillating lid, permeability has a
significant effect on flow structure and a resonant fre-
quency was noted for a particular Darcy number [400].
Flow and heat transfer in a partially filled rectangular
cavity with heating from the sides shows the existence
of a quasi-parallel solution with a linear vertical temper-
834 R.J. Goldstein et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 819–927
ature distribution [401]. Natural convection in a super-
posed fluid and porous layer shows that the Marangoni
effect enhances flow in the fluid layer, which results in a
reduction of buoyancy driven convection in the porous
sub-layer [402]. Mixed convective effects were numeri-
cally analyzed for two-dimensional cavities to obtain
flow structure and overall heat transfer rates [403,404].
Double diffusive convection in an anisotropic med-
ium with opposing buoyancy temperature and solute
gradients found to exhibit multiple solutions and oscil-
lating flow [405]. Oscillatory solutions were also found
for the case heat and mass fluxes were opposed
[406,407]. Doubly diffusive non-Darcian flow driven by
the upper surface exhibited the effects of varying Lewis
and Richardson numbers [408]. Double diffusive natural
convection in a stratified square cavity was found to be
markedly affected by unequal species and thermal diffu-
sion coefficients [409]. Double diffusive convection dri-
ven by cross gradients in a stably stratified enclosure
showed little difference in heat and mast transfer rates
between the two- and three-dimensional numerical solu-
tions [410]. A numerical solution was reported for dou-
ble diffusive convection with parallel transverse
temperature and concentration gradients in the presence
of heat generation or absorption [411,412].
Combined conduction, convection and thermal radi-
ation in a semi-transparent porous sphere were com-
puted via a modified discrete ordinate method [413].
6.5. Coupled heat and mass transfer
Theoretical work was reported on an unconditionally
stable numerical method for the general case where
material properties vary with moisture content [414]
and on the kinetics of moisture and heat transfer in cap-
illary media and in aerosols [415]. A conjugate gradient
inverse method was developed to determine unknown
time-dependent Biot numbers and transport based on
interior measurements of temperature and moisture
[416], and a multi-level time scheme was developed for
numerically solving the non-linear Luikov system [417].
A review of several pore-network models for comput-
ing effective transport properties and transport rates in
capillary media has identified several open problems
for further research [418]. An analytic solution based
on a quasi-steady approach results in a constant speed
for the drying front, which is corroborated by experi-
ments [419]. LuikovÕs equations for capillary media were
solved with the aid of measured temperature and mois-
ture content [420] for both the direct and inverse prob-
lems [421]. A film flow model was developed based on
a network of capillary porous tubes for free water flow
prior to the onset of the hygroscopic regime [422].A
more general numerical study of multistage drying re-
gimes determined that total drying time is mainly depen-
dent on the relative humidity of the drying medium
[423]. A novel heater was developed and characterized
for rapid vaporization of sub-cooled liquid in a capillary
medium [424].
Vacuum drying in randomly packed particles was
measured at constant heat input to qualitatively deter-
mine internal controlling factors on drying rates [425].
Microwave drying of capillary media was similarly
investigated to determine the influence of irradiation
time, particle size, and initial moisture content on inter-
nal temperature and moisture distributions [426,427].
Drying of bed particles and immersed samples in fluid-
ized beds was investigated via experiments and semi-
empirical modeling [428–430]. Temperature, moisture
content, and pore pressure were measured for the drying
of concrete to determine the rate of vapor penetration
[431], and mass diffusivity was determined based on
non-stationary moisture absorption measurements
Packed bed combustion of coke particles was investi-
gated experimentally and data are reported for tempera-
ture, gas concentration, particle size and sphericity, and
void fractions [434]. A coupled internal-external gas-
phase model of the combustion of a porous carbon par-
ticle in oxygen was developed to predict the formation of
CO and CO
[435]. An experimental parameter study of
solid waste incineration on a full-scale moving bed pro-
duced rich data set that includes internal NO
[436]. Forced-flow smoldering in flat polyurethane foams
was simulated in wind tunnel tests to determine the cou-
pling between the external boundary layer and front
propagation [437]. Data on flame temperature, location
of the vapor–liquid interface, vapor region propagation,
and fuel residue distribution in non-spread diffusion
flames of liquid soaked porous beds were reported and
compared to predictions of a Stefan-type model [438].
Experiments on combustion in media show that there
are critical conditions for the initiation and extinction
of super-adiabatic combustion in steady flow [439].A
numerical model of planar premixed methane flames in
ceramic media suggest that heat transfer between phases
remains decoupled from the initial flame chemistry [440].
The role of adsorption and phase change in the char-
acterization of low moisture materials was modeled with
the phase change rate related to local non-equilibrium
through a delay coefficient [441]. An improved variable
switching scheme for multi-phase transport in soils with
a non-aqueous liquid phase developed [442]. Related
studies considered similar processes for large scale geo-
logic systems, including fracture flow and imbibition ef-
fects [443–446]. Mineralization and ore body formation
in hydrothermal/sedimentary basins was successfully
modeled in terms of the pore-fluid velocity and the equi-
librium concentration [447,448].
Optimal sublimation rates in a porous half-space
were determined in terms of the vapor mass concentra-
tion at the sublimation front [449]. Direct contact
R.J. Goldstein et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 819–927 835
melting of ice particles was found to exhibit distinct re-
gimes for very small and large particle diameter [450].
Convective melting of a granular bed under micrograv-
ity was experimentally investigated and successfully
decoupled buoyancy effects due to density differences
[451]. Preferential flow paths formed during the dissolu-
tion of a porous medium were found to depend on the
properties of the medium at the pore scale [452]. Heat
transfer with phase change in an inclined packed enclo-
sure was numerically determined, and a Nusselt-versus-
Rayleigh–Darcy number was developed [453].
Moisture transport in paperboard was modeled in
terms of a linear driving force transport at the interface
of a system of continuous hygroscopic fibers and voids
and found dependent on relative values of diffusion
and adsorption parameters [454]. Convective heat and
moisture transport coefficients in cotton material were
measured and modeled in terms of the speed of air pene-
trating the material [455,456], and a companion study
considered periodic air flow, such as occurs in walking
[457]. Fabric thickness and porosity were shown to sig-
nificantly affect moisture transfer via a model that incor-
porates liquid diffusion in the mass and energy
conservation equations [458]. Related studies incorpo-
rate evaporation and mobile condensates in fibrous insu-
lation and building systems [459–461]. Moisture content
and effects of non-uniformity in percolation were inves-
tigated with respect to drying of potatoes [462].
7. Experimental methods
7.1. Introduction
The need for measurements in heat transfer and re-
lated flow studies remains strong. This is particularly true
in situations which cannot be completely defined in fairly
straightforward numerical modeling. This includes,
among other things, two phase flow, and many turbulent
flow situations. Modeling of the turbulent heat transport
process is still not refined to the point of making accurate
predictions in particular in flows that have not been well
studied and well measured. Thus, if nothing else, the
measurements must be used to refine turbulence models
and to some extent numerical methods. In addition flow
and thermal measurement are required in many indus-
trial and, for that matter, consumer-used systems. Accu-
rate and reliable data are required, which gives rise to the
need for good methods of measuring temperature, heat
transfer and velocity, and also other flow parameters,
as well as property measurements of real materials.
7.2. Heat transfer
Visualization techniques have been used in a number
of heat transfer measurements. This can mean an appli-
cation of a thermochromic liquid crystal (TLC) and a
transient experiment in which the change in local tem-
perature on a surface with time, deduced from the local
color changes of the TLC, are used to calculate the local
heat flux. Such a system has been applied in a super-
sonic blowdown tunnel for Mach-three flow over a sur-
face [463]. An uncertainty analysis [464] shows the
potential error, when obtaining local heat transfer coef-
ficients, from discrete random uncertainties in TLC
measured temperatures. Luminescent coatings are used
[465] to measure surface heat transfer rates in a short-
duration hypersonic flow at Mach numbers between
9.5 and 11.1. A new simplified model [466] can be used
for data reduction of transient heat transfer measure-
ments in internal channel heating and cooling investiga-
tions. A two dimensional transient heat conduction
analysis [467] improves the reliability of heat transfer
measurements for erodable ribbon-element heat flux
gauges used in internal combustion engines. A design
analysis [468] of a heat flux sensor based on the trans-
verse Seebeck effect demonstrates how measurements
of instantaneous values of heat flux can be obtained
in a free convection boundary layer. The operating prin-
ciples and calibration procedure for a new-design differ-
ential calorimeter used for heat transfer measurement
have been described [469].
7.3. Temperature measurement
A telocentric objective lens used with a digital camera
eliminates the angular dependence in the color determi-
nation which is critical in use of thermochromic liquid
crystals for precision measurements [470]. An interfacial
temperature sensor of 1 lm thickness, developed using
microfabrication techniques, has measured temperatures
in a simulated rapid solidification process [471]. Fluores-
cence properties of a special thermographic phosphor
permit high spatial- and temporal-resolution tempera-
ture measurement [472]. Black-body optical-fiber ther-
mometers with a metallic coated sensing tip are used
for measurements in high temperature environments
[473]. Numerical experiments [474] evaluate the use of
a passive acoustic thermal tomograph for providing
spatial resolution of temperature on a surface. An
infrared-charge-coupled device (ccd) camera provides
the temperature distribution at the cutting edge of a
machine tool [475].
7.4. Velocity measurement
A closely-spaced array of hot-film sensors is used
[476] to determine the skin friction distribution on a cir-
cular cylinder. A thermal tuft of cool air near a specially
coated TLC surface can indicate very low velocities in
weakly separated flows [477]. A refined analysis [478] im-
proves a speckled tomography technique to reconstruct
836 R.J. Goldstein et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 819–927
both large-scale structure and microstructure in turbu-
lent flows. Flow patterns can be deduced using process
tomography [479]. A cross correlation technique [480]
improves the time resolution of ultrasonic velocity mea-
surements in turbulent flows. A numerical analysis for
the two dimensional heat transfer from a circular cylin-
der in Couette flow [481] indicates the correction needed
for hot wire measurements near a wall.
7.5. Miscellaneous
Pattern recognition analysis applied to a rake of
resistive probes [482] indicates the presence of bubble
clusters in turbulent bubbly flow. An X-ray tube and
scintillation counters can measure the void fraction in
flows of an air–water mixture [483]. Two phase gas
liquid flows have been studied [484] with an extraction
device in which the air and liquid flows are measured
separately. A wire mesh sensor used with a newly devel-
oped algorithm for special field reconstruction [485]
provides local instantaneous true gas velocities in a bub-
ble flow. Surface reflectance measurements in the far
infrared are used to determine condensate film thickness
on a surface [486]. A special pressure-sensitive paint is
used [487] in a cryogenic steady flow wind tunnel for
pressure measurements. Silicon-based thermal conduc-
tivity detectors have been used in a number of geome-
tries [488]. A three dimensional finite model [489]
predicts the thermal response of calorimeters used to
measure pulsed laser energies. Calibration methods have
been applied [490] to temperature-modulated differential
scanning calorimeters.
8. Natural convection-internal flows
8.1. Highlights
Natural convection in a square or rectangular cavity
continues to receive considerable interest. Most investi-
gations are numerical in nature and address issues such
as localized heating or cooling, partial obstructions, var-
iable fluid properties and internal heat generation. A
two-phase fluid containing shape memory alloy/rubber
membrane particles has been proposed that will increase
in bulk density as the temperature increases creating a
negatively buoyant fluid.
8.2. Fundamental studies
Analysis of symmetries and self-similar forms of the
Navier–Stokes and Fourier–Kirchhoff equations was
used to reduce the order of equations and obtain ana-
lytical solutions to a number of natural convection
problems [491]. A review of similitude criteria applied
to natural convection was given [492]. Measurements
were made in large aspect ratio horizontal layers for
Ra from 10
to 10
that support the logarithmic varia-
tion for velocity and temperature profiles in the layer
[493]. The validity of the incompressible flow model
coupled with the Boussinesq approximation that is
widely used in natural convection studies was discussed
[494]. Stability and chaotic characteristics of a vertical
wall plume were studied that showed the flow can be
classified into four regions [495] (Ishida). An interesting
inverse buoyant fluid was described in which particles
composed of shape memory alloy and rubber bellows
make the bulk fluid negatively buoyant when heated
8.3. Internal heat generation
Stability and bifurcation were studied numerically for
steady internal heating of a horizontal layer cooled from
above and below [497] and for a vertical channel [498].
Three-dimensional numerical solutions were obtained
for liquid metal contained in a cubic enclosure heated
in a uniform magnetic field [499]. Oscillating sidewall
temperature on a cavity containing an internally heated
fluid was able to set up resonance at specific oscillation
frequencies [500]. Studies of internal heating were also
applied to geoplanetary flows [501–505].
8.4. Thermocapillary flows
A similarity solution was obtained for developing
Marangoni flow over a flat surface [506]. Approximate
similarity of temperature and velocity profiles was found
for large Prandtl number in a floating zone technique
used for crystal production [507]. Thermocapillary flows
were studied in various containers including rectangular
cavities [508,509] and a liquid bridge [510]. Effects of
Marangoni type flows were studied for bubbles, drops
or particles in suspension [511] and for single glycerine
drops [512]. Heat transfer was found to be enhanced
by thermocapillary flows in an ammonia–water absorp-
tion process by adding n-octanol [513].
8.5. Enclosures
Scaling of heat transfer in large Prandtl number flu-
ids [514] and experimental data obtained using high
pressure gases [515] were given for large Rayleigh num-
ber flows in horizontal layers. Effects of time dependent
gravity on the thermal stability of a fluid layer was given
[516]. Rayleigh-Benard type problems were investigated
for square [517] and cubical [518] cavities, truncated cyl-
inders [519], a deep cavity [520] and a layer with an
inclined upper surface [521]. The horizontal layer geom-
etry was also used to study combined heat and mass
transfer [522] and a layer containing two immiscible flu-
ids [523].
R.J. Goldstein et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 819–927 837
Numerical solutions were obtained for natural con-
vection in square cavities to illustrate numerical meth-
ods [524,525] and to study the effects of magnetic
fields, temperature dependent fluids and pseudoplastic
fluids [526–528]. The flow of a magnetic fluid in a
square Hele–Shaw cell was observed using a shadow-
graph method [529]. Numerical solutions were obtained
for natural convection in rectangular cavities to investi-
gate combined heat and mass transfer [530,531],
magnetic damping of the flow of a low-conducting
aqueous solution [532] and temperature variation of
the uninsulated upper wall [533]. Variations of rectan-
gular enclosure geometry include an inclined enclosure
heated from below [534], an inclined enclosure with a
wavy lower wall [535] and a vertical enclosure with
two opposing wavy walls [536]. Solutions for cubical
cavities were presented that incorporate various effects
of a magnetic field [534,537,538]. A comparison of ten
numerical solutions to benchmark experimental data
on natural convection in a tilted cubical enclosure con-
taining air was presented [539]. Localized thermal
sources and sinks in rectangular cavities have been
investigated numerically [524,540–542]. Several studies
of partial internal partitions in rectangular enclosures
have been made [543–548]. Vertical [549] and inclined
[550] open cavities have been studied numerically. Res-
onance inside a rectangular cavity heated from the side
with an oscillating moving bottom wall was studied
experimentally using air [551]. Additional geometries
considered include a semi-cylindrical cavity [552], an in-
clined arc-shaped enclosure [553], a dome [554] and a
spent fuel cask [555].
8.6. Vertical cylinders, ducts and annuli
Heat transfer in a vertical cylinder was studied for the
case of conducting walls [556], the effects of a strong
magnetic field on air [557,558] and in an annulus heated
from below [559]. Natural convection was studied for a
vertical duct with triangular, circular, square, and rect-
angular cross sections [560]. Measurements of velocity
were made in turbulent flow contained within symmetri-
cally and unsymmetrically heated vertical channels [561].
The effect of partial obstructions in a vertical channel
was modeled for perfectly conducting or adiabatic
obstructions located near the entrance, exit or in the cen-
ter of the channel [562].
8.7. Spherical and horizontal cylindrical annuli
The stability of flow in a spherical annulus was inves-
tigated using a Galerkin–Chebychev spectral method for
axisymmetric disturbances for a wide range in Prandtl
number and aspect ratio [563]. Real-time holographic
interferometry was used to study convection in a spher-
ical annulus when both thermal and electric field driving
forces are present [564]. Numerical methods were used
to solve the natural convection flow in horizontal eccen-
tric cylindrical annuli [565–567]. Three-dimensional flow
was studied in a horizontal concentric annulus with
open ends [568]. Numerical methods were used to study
the effects of aspect ratio and eccentricity on the heat
transfer from an isothermal horizontal cylinder to its
square enclosure [569].
8.8. Mixed convection
Experimental [570] and numerical [571] approaches
have been used to investigate the flow patterns in hori-
zontal ducts heated from below. Flow reversal of cold
fluid flowing downward in a vertical rectangular duct
has been studied when the walls are given a constant
heat flux boundary condition [572]. Experiments were
performed using air and water to study the influence
of variable properties on natural convection in a vertical
annulus [573,574]. Transient spin up of the contents of a
vertical cylindrical container with the bottom heated
showed differential spin up rates depending on the tem-
perature of the fluid [575]. Various air return locations
were investigated to determine their performance on
the displacement ventilation airflow pattern in a room
[576]. Other studies of mixed convection include falling
films [577], open enclosures [578], a square cavity with
an internal protrusion [579] and an inclined ice melting
layer [580].
8.9. Fires
Numerical solutions were presented for several rele-
vant problems including ventilation and fire spread in
highway tunnels [581]. A three-dimensional forest fire
model was described that included drying, pyrolysis and
combustion of the emitted gases [582]. Additional model-
ing has been conducted for the incineration of solid waste
on a moving bed [583] and a one-dimensional model for
pyrolysis of charring materials [584]. Experiments were
performed to study the effect of a red phosphorous flame
retardant [585].
8.10. Miscellaneous
Double diffusive convection [586,587] and thermal
convection in near-critical fluids [588] were studied
under microgravity conditions. Double diffusive flow
structures were visualized by injecting glycerine into
the bottom of a water layer [589]. Numerical methods
for simulating aerosol growth and transport in natural
convection fields were summarized [590]. Air flows in
heated attic spaces were simulated numerically including
the installation of ceiling fans to mix the stratified flow
[591]. A mathematical model was developed for the
reduction of magnesium in a vertical retort [592].
838 R.J. Goldstein et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 819–927
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