
0 下载量 199 浏览量 更新于2024-02-28 收藏 557KB DOC 举报
The document titled "Tractor Oil Slinger Design Manual (Full Set of CAD Drawings at the End).doc" is a graduation design manual for the design of a tractor oil slinger stretching die. The student, with student ID XXXXXX, from the XXXXXX college, under the guidance of the teacher, presents the design manual for the tractor oil slinger stretching die. The manual starts with an abstract that outlines the current state and development trends of stamping die manufacturing technology in China. The main body of the manual focuses on the design of a stretching die for a tractor oil slinger, including the analysis of stretching principles, analysis of stretching processes, and selection of design options, as well as the calculation and design of the die structure. The design process makes full use of computer-aided design (CAD/CAM) technology, using AutoCAD2007 to create all part and assembly drawings, and using UG to design the product's three-dimensional entity. The manual also covers the design of the die parts. Keywords for this design manual include die, shell stretching, process analysis, structural design, and punch angle. In conclusion, the manual provides a comprehensive overview of the design process for a stretching die for a tractor oil slinger, utilizing the latest technology and methods in the field. The full set of CAD drawings can be found at the end of the document.