is 3 GHz. The experimental results show that the power and area
reduction of the router in THIN (4-port, 1 local port and 3 router
connection ports) is 21.46% and 53.51% compared with 2D Mesh,
which has one more router port (5-port, 1 local port and 4 router
connection ports). Fig. 3 plots static metric of NoCs varied with
the number of cores. The amount of links in THIN is less than the
other two NoCs which benefits the power and area reduction of
NoC. Fig. 3b shows that the network diameter of THIN falls in be-
tween that of 2D Mesh and 2D Torus.
3. Floorplanning of THIN
Mesh is widely used in parallel computing platform for its sim-
ple connection and its ease of placement and routing. Researchers
have reached an agreement on the placing and routing method for
Mesh [30]. However, other NoCs (e.g., BFT, Torus, Spidergon, and
THIN) are not widely accepted partly because the floorplanning
of these NoCs is difficult than Mesh. THIN is physically difficult
to implement because of its triangle periphery edge and diagonal
wires connecting each router. In this section, we used two different
routing architectures including both Manhattan routing architec-
ture and Y-architecture to achieve the placement of the hot pro-
cessing elements and routing of wires in THIN. In order to
decrease the latency, energy dissipation and area requirement,
3D stacking technology was adopted. As shown in Fig. 4, our meth-
ods are explored based on placing processing elements in the same
layer which was closest to the heat sink and leaving cache layers in
all remaining layers for the consideration of heat dissipation. We
integrate multiple layers of Mesh, Torus and THIN networks by
connecting them with a dynamic, Time-Division Multiple-Access
(dTDMA) bus spanning the entire vertical distance of the chip
[31]. In this paper, we first present the floorplanning of the core
layer in THIN, and then demonstrate the cache block and cache
layer floorplanning method of THIN. We chose 9-core THIN as an
example, because THIN, 3D Mesh and 3D Torus are the same sizes
and have nine processing elements interconnection network.
When researchers discuss the routing algorithm for NoCs, the
routing of packets is performed without any knowledge of floor-
planning. They assume that the latency and power consumption
of each hop is equal. The equality characteristic of wires implies
wires with the same latency and power consumption. This equal-
ity, however, is established based on the floorplanning methods.
In this section, we discuss the effect of wires first. And then, we
present three methods which utilize both equal and unequal wires
models to connect the routers in the floorplanning of THIN.
3.1. Wires discussion
In this paper, each processing element is placed as a dedicated
hard block tile. The horizontal distance between two tiles is sup-
posed to be 1.5 mm. According to different routing architectures,
four methods can be used to achieve the triangle shape (fully con-
nected three cores) in THIN. Fig. 5a shows an equilateral triangle
with a side length of 1.732 mm. This type of interconnection can
be easily mapped into Y-architecture. Fig. 5b shows the right trian-
gle, which can be mapped into X-architecture. Wire lengths are dif-
ferent in this routing method. The length of the longest wire is
¼ 2:121 mm. Fig. 5c and 5d presents two solutions
using Manhattan routing architecture. In Fig. 5c, the lengths of
all the wires are equal, and the value is 1.5 mm 1.5 = 2.25 mm.
Due to the link between two routers is made up with three short
wires in different metal layers, vias are inserted to implement
the inter-layer transmission which is shown in Fig. 6. Fig. 5d pre-
sents an unequal length model, in which the long wire has double
Table 1
Static metric of different NoCs with N-core.
Degree Total links Network diameter
THIN 3 3(N-1)/2
log 3
2D mesh 4
2D torus 4 2N
Table 2
Power consumption and area requirement of routers with different number of ports.
4-Port 5-Port 6-Port 7-Port
Power (mw) 116.985 148.950 188.681 225.024
Area (
) 73,261 157,585 219,824 292,303
Fig. 3. Static metric comparison.
Fig. 4. Side view of 3D chip with dTDMA bus.
486 L. Xue et al. / Microprocessors and Microsystems 35 (2011) 484–495