
需积分: 0 0 下载量 159 浏览量 更新于2024-03-14 收藏 3.34MB PPTX 举报
The defense ppt ss m736 is a presentation on a Java-based university property engineering repair system. The presentation covers the background, research methods, difficulties, and applications of the system. The presentation was given by the student, XXX, and supervised by XXX. The defense took place on a date in 2022. The background of the topic is discussed in the presentation, citing the rapid development of the global economy and its impact on internet technology. The increasing importance of information management in people's lives and the simplification of traditional industry service management models due to the rise of information management industry are highlighted. The development of computer technology and its impact on business activities information are also discussed as a driving force for the development of information management industry. Although China's information management industry started later than foreign countries, it has made rapid progress in recent years and is gradually narrowing the gap with foreign countries. The increasing reliance on the internet in daily life and the growing importance of the information management industry are also pointed out in the presentation. The presentation emphasizes the need for the information management industry to improve efficiency, working environment, and service quality in the face of competition and the trend of openness to the outside world. Overall, the presentation provides an overview of the background and current state of the information management industry and highlights the importance of improving the industry's efficiency and service quality in the face of increasing competition. The defense ppt and the research paper it is based on demonstrate the student's understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the information management industry and their ability to propose and develop a practical solution in the form of a Java-based university property engineering repair system.