"TI XWR1843毫米波雷达用户手册及射频板卡详解"
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The TI XWR1843 radar is a highly versatile and advanced millimeter-wave radar sensor that is widely used for measuring target distance, velocity, azimuth, and elevation angles. The XWR1843 radar is based on FMCW radar technology and is equipped with the XWR1843 RF chip, which includes the necessary control circuits for the radar RF front end, AD conversion circuits, as well as ARM and DSP processors. The DSP and ARM processors on the board can directly process the intermediate frequency signals generated by frequency mixing, and perform various radar signal processing algorithms for ranging, velocity measurement, and angle measurement.
The XWR1843 RF chip operates in the frequency range of 76-77GHz or 77-81GHz, with a maximum bandwidth of up to 4GHz. The xWR1843 Evaluation Module (xWR1843BOOST) is an evaluation board designed by Texas Instruments for easy integration and evaluation of the XWR1843 millimeter-wave sensing device. It features direct connectivity to microcontrollers (MCUs) for seamless integration into various applications.
The XWR1843 BoosterPack is a comprehensive solution for evaluating the performance and capabilities of the XWR1843 radar sensor. It provides a user-friendly platform for testing and development, with comprehensive documentation and support from Texas Instruments. The evaluation module includes various features and components such as antennas, RF connectors, and interfaces for connecting to external devices and systems.
Overall, the XWR1843 radar sensor and evaluation module offers a powerful and flexible solution for a wide range of applications, including automotive radar systems, industrial automation, security systems, and more. With its advanced capabilities and easy-to-use design, the XWR1843 radar sensor is a valuable tool for developers and engineers looking to integrate millimeter-wave radar technology into their projects.
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