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首页2020 RFIC Symposium特辑:毫米波技术与高精度雷达接收器研究
2020 RFIC Symposium特辑:毫米波技术与高精度雷达接收器研究
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IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC) 2021年5月号特刊聚焦于2020年无线集成电路研讨会的先进研究成果,展示了固体-state电路设计的最新进展。本期特别关注毫米波技术、汽车雷达系统、射频前端、集成接收器以及通信系统的创新。
1. **毫米波多输入多输出(MIMO)阵列设计**:
S.Ahasan等人提出了一种频率域复用(Frequency-Domain Multiplexing)的单线接口技术,结合了谐波拒绝特性,用于毫米波MIMO阵列中的信号解复用。这项工作旨在提高数据传输效率和抗干扰性能,对于未来的无线通信系统具有重要意义。
2. **高频率和高精度的雷达应用**:
M.Kohtani等人的研究展示了一个76至81 GHz的CMOS集成自测试方案,实现了72分贝信噪比(dBc/N)及小于1ppm的频率稳定性,适用于多通道雷达系统,确保了高度精确的测距和目标识别能力。
3. **汽车雷达收发器设计**:
T.Arai等人介绍了一款针对250米长距离的77 GHz 8路接收3路发射的车载雷达系统,采用40纳米CMOS工艺,这标志着在高频率和小型化方面的重要突破,有助于提升车辆的安全性和感知能力。
4. **集成数字接收器**:
R.Lu等人呈现了一款16元素的28 GHz全数字化接收器,具备数字RX波束形成功能,这在雷达和通信系统中是关键组件,能实现更精细的方位角和角度估计,从而提高系统性能。
5. **全双工通信技术**:
文章探讨了在300 GHz和4.2 K频段内实现宽带全双工操作的方法,通过双边单边带频率转换技术,实现了同时发送和接收的能力,这对于未来的无线通信网络具有重大潜力。
总体而言,JSSC 2021年5月号特刊展现了当前射频集成电路设计的前沿水平,反映了行业对高性能、低功耗和多功能集成的需求,为无线通信和雷达系统的进一步发展提供了强有力的理论和技术支持。这些成果将推动半导体技术的进步,并促进未来电子设备的智能化和高效能。
Yoshiyuki Utagawa received the B.E. and M.E.
degrees in electronic science and engineering from
Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, in 2002 and 2004,
In 2004, he joined Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan,
where he was engaged in the research and devel-
opment of circuit design and evaluation technol-
ogy for various analog circuits (ADC, DAC, DLL,
etc.). Since 2015, he has been with DENSO Cor-
poration, Aichi, Japan, and has been engaged in
millimeter-wave CMOS integrated circuits, espe-
cially baseband block development. His research interests focus on RF
integrated circuits for millimeter-wave automotive radar, and ADCs including
digital calibration techniques.
Masato Kohtani (Member, IEEE) received the B.S.
and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from
Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan, in 1999 and
2001, respectively.
In 2001, he joined Sharp Corporation, Osaka,
Japan, where he was engaged in the research
and development of RF LSIs. In 2012, he joined
Samsung Research and Development Institute
Japan, Kanagawa, where he was involved in the
development of high data-rate wireless mm-wave
communication ICs. In 2014, he joined DENSO
Corporation, Aichi, Japan, and is currently with MIRISE Technologies
Corporation, Tokyo, Japan. His current research interests include RF and
millimeter-wave circuits and built-in self-tests for radar applications.
Ikuma Ando (Member, IEEE) received the B.E. and
M.E. degrees in electrical and electronic engineering
from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo,
Japan, in 2012 and 2014, respectively.
In 2014, he joined NEC Green Platform Laborato-
ries, Kanagawa, Japan, and was engaged in research
and development of fixed wireless systems. Since
2015, he has been with DENSO Corporation, Aichi,
Japan, and was engaged in millimeter-wave CMOS
integrated circuits from 2015 to 2019. Since 2019,
he has been engaged in the development of automo-
tive radar systems in the AD&ADAS Eng. Div. of DENSO Corporation.
Kazuhiro Matsunaga received the B.E. degree from
the Shibaura Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan,
in 2002.
In 2002, he joined Japan Radio Co., Ltd. Tokyo,
Japan, and was engaged in the research and devel-
opment of CMOS ICs for wireless communication.
Since 2017, he has been with DENSO Corporation,
Aichi, Japan, and has been developing millimeter-
wave automotive radar systems.
Chihiro Arai received the B.E. and M.E. degrees
in electrical engineering from the Tokyo University
of Science, Tokyo, Japan, in 2009 and 2011.
In 2011, he joined Renesas Electronics
Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, where he developed
CMOS RF-ICs for cellular communication and near
field communications. Since 2015, he has been
with DENSO Corporation in Aichi, Japan, and has
been developing millimeter-wave automotive radar
systems for autonomous vehicles.
Shinji Yamaura (Member, IEEE) received the
B.E. and M.E. degrees from the Tokyo Institute
of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, in 1989 and 1991,
In 1991, he joined Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.
Kanagawa, Japan, and was engaged in the research
and development of simulation modeling, circuit
design, and evaluation technology up to 100 GHz
for optical communication systems and wireless
communication systems, such as Mobile-WiMAX
and CMOS Power Amplifiers for WCDMA/LTE.
In 2014, he joined DENSO Corporation, Aichi, Japan, and was engaged in
millimeter-wave CMOS integrated circuits and mm-wave radar systems. He is
currently a Project Director in the Sensor Research and Development Division
of MIRISE Technologies Corporation.
Mr. Yamaura is a member of IEEE SSCS, MTT-S, CAS, APS, SPS, and
IEICE of Japan.
76- to 81-GHz CMOS Built-In Self-Test With
72-dB C/N and Less Than 1 ppm Frequency
Tolerance for Multi-Channel Radar Applications
Masato Kohtani , Member, IEEE, Tomotoshi Murakami, Member, IEEE, Yoshiyuki Utagawa ,
Tomoyuki Arai
, Member, IEEE, and Shinji Yamaura , Member, IEEE
Abstract— A built-in self-test (BIST) system with a 72-dB
carrier-to-noise ratio (C/N) and less than 1-ppm frequency
tolerance of down-conv erted BIST tone for a multi-channel radar
application is presented. The BIST consists of a frequency dou-
bler, an up-conversion mixer (UPMIX), a variable gain amplifier,
a phase shifter, an eight-way splitter, and an RF PAD coupler for
BIST signal distribution. The proposed BIST system can operate
from 76 to 81 GHz, mixing with arbitrary offset frequencies from
600 kHz to 42.7 MHz generated by a fully-synchronized phase
locked loop (PLL). The proposed UPMIX can generate zero or
non-zero offset frequencies by switching between two modes flex-
ibly implemented in the same layout area. The measured relative
phase among all eight channels was less than 2
from −25
to 150
C through on-chip 12-bit analog-to-digital converters
(ADCs). The proposed BIST was fabricated using a 40-nm CMOS
process and assembled with a wafer-level chip-sized package
(WLCSP). Also, state-of-the-art BIST beamformer analyses were
demonstrated as one of the future methods for self-diagnosis with
a null-depth monitoring for a multi-channel radar application.
Index Terms— Automotive applications, built-in self-test
(BIST), CMOS integrated circuits, design for testability,
millimeter-wave (mm-Wave) radar.
ARIOUS millimeter-wave (mm-Wave) radar ICs with
CMOS [1]–[4] or BiCMOS [5], [6] intended for auto-
motive driving safety and driver aids systems as well as
self-driving vehicles are actively being developed. Also,
in order to realize 360
circumference sensing, multiple rad a r
sensors capable of short, medium, and long-range detections
will be required in vehicles [7], [8]. Recently, various multiple-
input multiple-output (MIMO) radars with multi-channels to
realize extended virtual receivers (RXs) for angular accu-
racy, such as 12 channels with 3 transmitters (TXs) and
Manuscript received October 2, 2020; revised December 11, 2020 and Feb-
ruary 7, 2021; accepted March 3, 2021. Date of publication March 30, 2021;
date of current version April 23, 2021. This article is an expanded version
from the 2020 IEEE RFIC Symposium, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 4–6,
2020. This article was approved by Associate Editor Mohyee Mikhemar.
This work was supported by DENSO Corporation. (Corresponding author:
Masato Kohtani.)
Masato Kohtani and Shinji Yamaura are with the Sensor Research and
De velopment Division, MIRISE Technologies Corporation, Tokyo 108-0075,
Japan (e-mail: masato.kohtani.j3a@mirise-techs.com).
Tomotoshi Murakami, Yoshiyuki Utagawa, and Tomoyuki Arai are with the
ASIC Engineering Division, DENSO Corporation, Aichi 448-8661, Japan.
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2021.3066214
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the proposed BIST with a PLL and an RX chain.
4 RXs [1], [4] or as many as 192 channels with 12 TXs
and 16 RXs [2] have been reported. Also, several mm-Wave
built-in self-test (BIST) features have been demonstrated for
multi-channel transceivers with high integration in the previous
works [1], [4]–[6] in order to achieve autonomous fault mon-
itoring of the RF chain and guarantee system-level functional
safety. For radar applications, the main sensing information
consists of range, angle, and velocity. The system goal with a
multi-channel rad ar in tandem with the BIST sy stem consists
of: 1) testability improvement; 2) regular self-diagnosis; and
3) test cost reduction in the future. In particular, to diagnose a
multi-channel radar regularly by mon itoring the frequency or
angle with the BIST signal even after shipment is desired for
an actual radar operation to detect the distance to an object
or direction of arrival (DoA). For example, these diagnoses
with the BIST system are considered to be performed as of ten
as possible soon after starting the engine or restarting from
stand-by mode. The simplified block diagram including the
proposed BIST system, a phase locked loop (PLL), and an
RX chain in a radar is shown in Fig. 1. A low-noise CMOS
RX with a noise figure (NF) of 9 dB for radar applications
has been presented in [9]. The proposed BIST system has been
implemented in the same multi-chann e l radar IC with 3 TXs
and 8 RXs [10]. Also, the basic performances such as gain,
NF, linearity, and phase noise have been described in [10]. The
RF gain including a low-noise amplifier (LNA) and a mixer
is about 22 dB at 77 GHz while the intermediate frequency
amplifier (IFAMP) gain is 33 dB in an RX chain.
0018-9200 © 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Fig. 2. Consideration of a diagnosis with BIST on IF characteristics.
In a linearly swept frequency modulated continuous
wave (FMCW) as shown in [7], the range (R) is calculated b y
R =
× T
2 × BW
where c
is the speed of light in free space. From (1), it is
obvious that the range is proportional to the beat frequency
( f
). If the beat frequency ( f
) is set to 10 MHz by employing
a BIST under a chirp configuration with bandwidth (BW)
of 300 MHz and ramp time (T
) of around 41 μs as in [10],
the resultant range is around 204 m. The 10-MHz setting is one
possible candidate to allow the BIST signal to be distinguished
easily even under actual conditions since the reflected signal
power from a distant object at 204 m must be very weak.
Also, the maximum IF is now set to 12.5 MHz, which can
be extended to 25 MHz if necessary, which is limited by the
analog-to-digital converter (ADC’s) cap ability. Also, there are
bandpass filter (BPF) characteristics on the IF band with a
high pass filter (HPF) cutoff frequency ( f
) of 1 MHz
to suppress strong reflections such as a bumper reflection
noise after down-conversion and low pass filter (LPF) cutoff
frequency ( f
) of 12.5 MHz as shown in Fig. 2. Therefore,
the BIST frequency should cover from as small as a few
hundreds of kHz to as large as a few tens of MHz to d iagnose
BPF-like IF characteristics, which h as not been reported so far.
Frequency accuracy and stable test signal that are not affected
by outside conditions are two of the most essential key features
for robust evaluations. Besides, for non-zero frequency BIST
testing, a carrier [lo cal oscillator (LO)] leakage of the BIST
RF tone should be suppressed as much as possible to avoid
dc offset issues caused by self-mixing after down-conversion
in the RX.
The diagnosing angle is one of the most challenging topics
for mu lti-channel radars since it is extremely d ifficult to
measure the relative phases by probing all of the LNA’s input
PADs simultaneously to apply m m-Wave external signals with
equal phase alignments. Recently, a 76–81-GHz multi-channel
radar IC with 6 RXs and 2 TXs using a 0.13-μm SiGe process
including a quadrature BIST modulator has been reported
in [6], where the monitored relative phase variations were 2
on average across temperatures up to 100
C among the limited
combinations of CH1–CH4 and CH5–CH6. No other details
on phase results are given when monitoring the overall RX
status from a system diagnosis standpoint. On the other hand,
a unique beamformer analysis with a BIST signal has been
reported in [5], where the peak always occurs when the relative
phase between channels () is equal to θ ,whereθ = 150
at 76 GHz since there is a phase shift (θ) between sampling
nodes in the straight BIST signal distribution network, which
corresponds to the LNA’s input PAD pitch between adjacent
A high carrier-to-noise ratio (C/N) with enough amplitude in
the BIST signal as well as a good frequency tolerance of BIST
signals should also be taken into account in order to achieve a
good phase accuracy of less than 2
. Using an external signal
generator asynchronous to a PLL in a radar IC causes poor
frequency and phase accuracies in RX tests since only the IC,
being exposed to testing temperatures, tends to be affected
by frequency d rift. In the published article, C/N of 62 dB of
the BIST tone has been presented in [5]. As for the RF of
radars, the first band of 76–77 GHz prevails worldwide, and
the second band of 77–81 GHz has also been expected to
aim at an improved angular resolution intended for medium
or short-range detections [7]. So, in this article, the measured
frequencies are extended to cover not only 76–77 GHz but
also 77–81 GHz to investigate BIST capabilities at high
frequencies, which is regarded as an extension of what has
been reported in our previous works [10], [11]. Also, in this
article, th e quality of a fully-synchronized BIST signal is
described in detail with an external test signal for comparison.
A diagnosis by fully monitoring the BPF-like IF characteristics
by employing the proposed BIST covering a wide frequency
range has first been reported. The RF PAD pitch between adja-
cent channels is designed with a half-lambda on the straight
BIST distribution network differently from [5], which leads to
testability improvements in terms of phase measurements. All
possible relative phase results measured up to 150
C from
a system diagnosis standpoint have been analyzed in detail.
Test cost reduction with BIST should be taken into account
especially for multi-channel radar ICs. An efficient dc test
with the proposed BIST has also been proposed for testability
improvements covering mm-Wave blocks such as an RX and
PLL and so on intended fo r a multi-channel radar application
even under a dc test environment. Furthermore, to the best of
our knowledge, the world’s first beamformer analyses using
down-converted BIST signals have been proposed aiming at
future diagnoses, which is a remarkable extension of what was
reported in [11].
This article is organized as follows. The d etailed concept
of the proposed BIST architecture and implementation is
described in Section II. The representative BIST method-
ologies with key features are shown in Section III, and the
measured diagnosis results with BIST are shown in Section IV,
while the conclusion and the references are given in Section V
and the final section, respectively.
A. Synchronized BIST System
The proposed on-chip BIST is shown in the dashed box
in Fig. 1. The BIST can mix a 76.5-GHz signal with a BIST
CLK 10-MHz signal and generate 76.5 GHz ± 10 MHz,
followed by a phase shifter (PS2), transmission line type
splitter, and 20-dB RF PAD couplers to distribute the BIST
signals to the LNA inputs. The BIST CLK frequency generated
Fig. 3. Schematic of the proposed BIST UPMIX, phase shifter, and F2X.
Fig. 4. Schematic comparison for the proposed UPMIX with switchable
two-tone mode (left) and one-tone mode (right).
by the PLL is expressed as
×P × N × D
where P means selectable division ratio of 1, 2, 4, ..., 16,
N performs the PLL counter values of 0, 1, ..., 31 and
D performs a fixed division ratio of 2 used for a divide-
by-two after counter to guarantee a duty ratio of 50% ± 5%.
If f
= 76.5 GHz, P = 1, N = 30, D = 2, the BIST
CLK frequency observed from IFAMP’s differential out-
puts intermediate frequency signal output (IFOUT) becomes
= 9.9609375 MHz. Since the up-converted BIST
RF is expressed as f
= f
± f
, the down-converted
BIST signal always becomes exactly f
even under
chirp modulation. In the BIST system, the original BIST CLK
signal before an up-conversion can also be monitored directly
from the external test pin as an absolute phase reference
as shown in Fig. 1. All of the BIST related signals are
generated from the same PLL synchronously, which leads to
good frequency accuracy in the BIST signals.
B. BIST Up-Conversion Mixer
The proposed up-conversion mixer (UPMIX) is one of the
most key building blocks in the BIST system. In order to
enhance testability and layout efficiency, a combined design
approach capable of not only a mixing-mode but also a
through-mode was taken into account for the proposed BIST
Fig. 5. Simulated LO leakage performance comparison with BIST CLK’ s
duty ratios of 50% versus 25% for the proposed BIST UPMIX.
UPMIX. The dedicated UPMIX with a Gilbert cell topology
can generate not only two-tone signals in a mixing-mode
but also a one-tone signal in a through-mode by employing
bias switches in the switch stage as shown in Fig. 3 . In the
case of an up-conversion, the BIST CLK signal is applied
to the mixer switching (SW) stage through inverter chains.
The LO signal is applied to the transconductance (gm) stage
instead of the SW stage in order to avoid an LO feedthrough.
The BIST CLK buff ers were designed to operate with rail-
to-rail swings up to around 100 MHz after parasitic extraction.
In the case of a one-tone mode (through-mode), the gate bias
nodes of the two transistors (T4 and T5) in the SW stage
become shorted to ground via SW1 as shown in Fig. 4 so that
the LO signal can be bypassed to the output nodes without
mixing, where the UPMIX behaves like a cascode amplifier.
The current consumption is around 34.9 mA at a 1.1-V supply
regardless of BIST one-tone mode or two-tone mode. Also,
the BIST CLK signal can be terminated to the ground with
an extra switch (not shown) to produce a clean continuous
signal without any spur. The BIST gain can be controlled
with 4-bit fine gain tuning with less than 1-dB resolution
and attenuation o f over 6 dB with a short-to-ground switch
Fig. 6. BIST signal distribution network and 20-dB PAD couplers designed with a half-lambda pitch.
by the transistor T7 in Fig. 3 which is co-designed in the
inter-stage matching network. The three-section LC BPF topol-
ogy is employed in the inter-stage matching network to obtain
flat gain performance which consists of area-effective 50-
meander-type transmission lines and mm-Wave ac ground
parts with the measured characteristic impedance of less than
2 at 80 GHz by employing metal–oxide–metal (MOM)
capacitors. Fig. 5 shows the simulated LO leakage for the
proposed BIST UPMIX depending on CLK duty ratios. In the
case of a 50% CLK duty ratio, a good LO leakage performance
of −50 dBc is achieved. On the other hand, in the case of a
25% CLK duty ratio, deteriorated LO leakage performance of
as poor as −5 dBc and signal degradation by −3dBwere
observed. The simulation indicates that the signal loss is less
than 0.5 dB as long as the duty ratio is guaranteed to be within
50% ± 5%. So, an accurate duty ratio within 50% ± 5% as
a PLL BIST CLK is very crucial to suppress LO leakage.
If the BIST loop back signal were modulated with
keying (OOK) in [1] and [4] although it is introduced as a
TX signal monitoring method not an RX in these articles,
the residual LO leakage would remain strong, which could
cause self-m ixing dc offsets after down-conversion.
C. BIST Phase Shifter
The proposed phase shifter (PS2) plays an important role
in the BIST system in order to control image interference
phenomena after a down-conversion in such a simple RX
architecture as shown in Fig. 1. The proposed 4-bit coarse
tuning phase shifter in the BIST makes it possible to change
the phase shift from 0 to 337.5
with 22.5
steps with a
well-known single-ended topology of switched LC type phase
shifters [12] as shown in Fig. 3. Note that the proposed 180
phase shifter has a unique topology. The gain obtained from
the drain output node of transistor T8 can be approximately
expressed as L
which is designed to become ideally unity
with signals shifted by 180
. On the other hand, non-shifted
signals (0
) can be obtained from the source node of T8 as a
source follower.
Also, the back gates of the switch transistors are grounded
by way o f the resistor for an accuracy improvement in the
phase control. The BIST phase shifter is considered to be
indispensable for image suppression control which is shown
in Section III-A. Common source amplifiers with four stages
similar to BUFF1 in Fig. 3 are used as output bu ffers (not
shown) for the compensation of gain losses. The total current
consumption including the output buffers is around 45.3 mA
at a 1.1-V supply.
D. BIST Frequency Doubler
A frequency doubler (F2X) with a matching network is
partially shown in Fig. 3. The drain terminals of the input tran-
sistors (T9 and T10) are connected together for the purpose of
frequency doubling with a gate bias voltage of around 0.45 V
applied to V
in order to strengthen second-order distortion.
The total current consumption including input buffers (not
shown) is around 35 mA at a 1.1-V supply.
E. BIST Signal Distribution Network and PAD Coupler
Fig. 6 shows a passive eight-way splitter and PAD cou-
plers design placed with a half-lambda pitch (900 μmat
77 GHz) for a BIST signal distribution without any active
devices. The phase at 77 GHz of the BIST signal changes as
−180 ×n(n = 1, 2, 3) away from center-located BIST
channels of CH4 and CH5. The structure of the dedicated
PAD layout for the 77-GHz BIST 20-dB PAD coupler
co-designed with wafer-level-chip-sized package (WLCSP)
layers is depicted in Fig. 7. Also Fig. 7(b) and (c) shows
layouts for an electromagnetic simulation with some merged
VIAs for efficient simulation s. Also, the center of the bump
is located 110 μm away from the center of the signal PAD on
silicon for the purpose of reliability with a redistribution layer
(RDL, copper, thickness = 4.3 μm), which is 7.5 μm higher
than the surface of the top metal named as LB (aluminum,
t = 2.8 μm). Additionally, the small PAD opening size of
51 μm × 46 μm was laid out to comply with the low-density
design rules on metal dummy fills to minimize parasitic
components. Also, the metal-to-metal parasitic capacitance
area of 12 μm × 5 μm with less than 5 fF for the 20-dB BIST
coupler was laid out between the 2nd top thick metal named
as 3A (Cu, t = 3.3 μm) and the 3rd top thick metal named
as FA (Cu, t = 0.85 μm) with 0.68-μm spacing as shown
in Fig. 7(a) and (c). The BIST metal routing of FA in Fig. 7(b)
was laid out to detour the very large bump to minimize
parasitic capacitance. Also, no metal routin gs were laid out
under the very large bump to reduce parasitic components.
In the silicon design, channel-to-channel coupling of over
40 dB is guaranteed due to two 20-dB PAD couplers employed
from one channel to the other. An electromagnetic simulation
indicates that the coupling turns out to be less than 30 dB
caused by the very large bumps after WLCSP assem bly. Fig. 8
shows a chip micrograph focusing on the proposed BIST
system fabricated in a 40-nm CMOS process with a WLCSP
assembly. The mm-Wave BIST core circuits are located on the
limited narrow space between RX CH4 and CH5. Fig. 9 shows
the magnified p icture of the inter-stage matching network for
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