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This document describes the design and implementation of an ultrasonic distance-measuring device based on the EasyArm1138 microcontroller. By utilizing the propagation characteristics of ultrasonic waves in air, the device is able to accurately measure distances by calculating the time it takes for the ultrasonic wave to travel and multiply it by the speed of sound. The feasibility of using ultrasonic sensors for distance measurement is theoretically analyzed in this study.
The hardware part of the ultrasonic distance-measuring device is designed based on knowledge of analog and digital electronics, acoustics, ultrasonic sensors, and the propagation characteristics of ultrasonic waves in media. The EasyArm1138 microcontroller is chosen as the control chip for this design, and corresponding software programs are developed and tested to ensure proper functionality.
Experimental results are analyzed and errors are evaluated to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the device. The key components of the design include ultrasonic sensors, ARM microcontroller, and LCD display for output. The device is capable of accurately measuring distances using ultrasonic waves in real-time.
In conclusion, this graduation project successfully demonstrates the design and implementation of an ultrasonic distance-measuring device based on the EasyArm1138 microcontroller. The device shows promising results in terms of accuracy and reliability, and can be a valuable tool for various applications requiring distance measurement using ultrasonic technology.
2023-07-05 上传
2023-07-05 上传
2020-10-26 上传
2009-08-22 上传
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