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生活 has undergone many changes. Many times, people do not need to do things personally, and they can complete operations that used to take a lot of time through the Internet, which can improve the quality of life. The changes brought about by computer and mobile internet technology in people's lives are not only limited to aspects such as clothing, food, housing, and transportation, but they have also made contributions in various fields to modern life. Before the rapid development of computer technology, it was very troublesome for the elderly to record and view their health information because the health information of the elderly was usually only stored in their medical records or medical reports, and if they wanted to view it, they could only do so by going to the hospital. However, this method is inefficient. Firstly, the energy of each doctor or nurse is limited, and the elderly and doctors need to communicate one-on-one. Moreover, information statistics through manpower are single-threaded, but often many elderly people want to know their own history health information and current physical conditions at the same time. Therefore, it is important to improve the efficiency of information recording and querying. On the one hand, it can ensure the experience of the elderly, and on the other hand, doctors or nurses can avoid low efficiency caused by wasting time. The front-end of this system uses WeChat small program, and the back-end uses PHP language and MySQL database development. It provides various functions such as health knowledge query, health self-testing management, and healthy recipe management for the elderly and medical workers, so that people do not need to go to the hospital or make phone calls to view health information. At the same time, it also adds functions such as health knowledge Q&A and health popular science knowledge viewing on the homepage, allowing elderly users to learn and prevent diseases on their own. [Keywords] elderly; health; PHP; MYSQL; small program.
2023-11-27 上传
2024-11-18 上传
2024-11-18 上传
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