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The development of enterprise portal websites based on JAVA is becoming increasingly important as network technology continues to advance. Many businesses and organizations have recognized the significance of utilizing the Internet to disseminate company information, provide services, and increase transparency, while also facilitating various management tasks. Websites play a crucial role in facilitating communication and interaction among people.
This document details the entire process of developing an enterprise portal website, including system research, analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation. The website development utilized the latest development platform, MyEclipse 6.0, and employed a development model using JSP, JavaBean, and SQL Server 2000. It covers the configuration of Tomcat server and Tomcat connection pool in MyEclipse, as well as the main table structures in the database design.
The enterprise portal website designed in this document is based on JAVA, and it has been tested to ensure smooth functionality.
Keywords: enterprise portal, website, JAVA.
The summary provides a brief overview of the content outlined in the document, highlighting the significance of enterprise portal websites and their importance in facilitating communication and transparency in organizations. It also emphasizes the use of the latest technology and the rigorous testing process for ensuring the functionality of the website. The abstract captures the essence of the document and its focus on JAVA-based enterprise portal website design, serving as a reference for those seeking a comprehensive understanding of enterprise portal website development.
105 浏览量
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