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Computer programming is an essential skill in today's digital age, and it involves a wide range of concepts and techniques. One important aspect of programming is understanding various data structures and algorithms, which are used to organize and manipulate data efficiently. In this regard, the document "A Comprehensive List of Computer Programming and Common Terminology in English" provides a detailed overview of key terms and concepts in the field.
The first part of the document covers common terminology related to data structures, including basic data structures such as dictionaries, priority queues, graph data structures, set data structures, kd-trees, and numerical problems. These data structures are essential for storing and organizing different types of data, and they play a crucial role in the design and implementation of algorithms.
Some of the key concepts discussed in this section include solving linear equations, bandwidth reduction, matrix multiplication, determinants and permanents, constrained and unconstrained optimization, linear programming, random number generation, factoring and primality testing, arbitrary precision arithmetic, knapsack problem, and discrete Fourier transform. These concepts are fundamental to various computational problems and applications, ranging from mathematical modeling to optimization and cryptography.
Overall, the document serves as a valuable resource for anyone interested in computer programming, as it provides a comprehensive list of essential terms and concepts in the field. By studying and understanding these concepts, individuals can enhance their programming skills and broaden their knowledge of computational algorithms and data structures.
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