163 浏览量
收藏 1006KB DOCX 举报
In summary, the design and implementation of the online recruitment system project report outlines the development of a user-friendly platform for job seekers and employers in the digital age. Utilizing B/S architecture and MyBatis framework, along with key technologies such as Java Servlets and JSP, the system integrates Oracle database to provide efficient and convenient services for both parties. Job seekers can register, login, and maintain their information, as well as publish, revoke, or print resumes and view real-time job postings to connect with suitable employers. Employers, on the other hand, can post or remove job listings, review candidate information, approve or reject applications, and send notifications accordingly. The project signifies the increasing trend towards intelligence and informatization in society, as technology continues to shape the way individuals interact and conduct business online.
236 浏览量
2023-08-07 上传
2022-10-26 上传
211 浏览量
2023-08-29 上传
2023-08-11 上传
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