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Transactions on Cloud Computing
depends on applied actions and firmware. Huang et al. [12]
investigated three commercial OpenFlow switches and pointed
out that control path delays and flow table designs affect
switching performance. Tai et al. [14] uncovered the source
of forwarding latency caused by forwarding rule insertions on
data plane. Xu et al. [31] proposed two cost-optimized flow
statistics collection schemes using wildcard-based requests,
which could reduce the bandwidth overhead and switch pro-
cessing delay. He et al. [8, 9] studied four SDN switches
and showed the latencies underlying the generation of request
messages and execution of forwarding rules. Different from
previous works, we try to analyze the benefits of adopting
switch buffer through an in-depth measurement study, which
could make a complementary exploitation of SDN switches.
Observed from the analysis results, we find that switch buffer
can reduce the communication overhead between the switches
and the controller.
The root cause of communication overhead stems from
the size limitation of SDN flow tables. Rules in flow tables
have to be updated adapting to network dynamics, i.e., rules
for inactive flows will be kicked out and replaced by rules
for active flows. As a result, packets cannot always match
the rules of the flow tables. Therefore, optimizing flow ta-
ble utilization (such as caching more rules, updating rules
quickly, etc.) can reduce the requests sent to the controller
indirectly. Luo et al. [16] shrank the flow table size and
provided practical methods to achieve fast flow table updates.
Li et al. [17] proposed an efficient flow-driven rule caching
algorithm to optimize the SDN switch cache replacement.
CacheFlow [18] spliced long dependency chains to cache
smaller groups of rules while preserving the per-rule traffic
counts. FlowShadow [19] achieved fast packet processing and
supports uninterrupted update by caching microflows. Zhang
et al. [32] propose a delay-guaranteed approach called D
to reduce the latency of chained services while obtain fairness
across all the workloads, by means of designing a latency
estimation algorithm and a feedback scheme. Yan et al. [29]
proposed a new rule caching scheme, as well as an adaptive
cache management method. The mechanism can reduce the
cache miss rate by one order of magnitude and the control
path bandwidth usage by a half. Different from these studies,
this paper exploits the benefits of switch buffer to directly
reduce the communication overhead. Buffer has been adopted
to improve performance and achieve QoS guarantee in legacy
switches [20, 21]. However, it receives little notice in SDN.
In this section, we first describe the problem and then show
the measurement methodology.
A. Problem Description
A flow contains many packets of {p
, p
, ..., p
} arriving
at {t
, t
, ..., t
}. If p
matches a rule of the flow table, it
will be forwarded at a line rate. Otherwise, the switch will
generate a pkt in message sent to the controller. After the
controller decides how to forward the packet, it will send a pair
of control operation messages (flow mod and pkt out) to the
TABLE I: Configurations of Experimental Devices
Device Name CPU Cores RAM NIC
3.3GHZ 4 4GB 1×100Mbps
3.3GHZ 4 4GB 1×100Mbps
Open vSwitch 3.3GHZ 4 4GB 3×100Mbps
Floodlight 3.3GHZ 4 4GB 1×100Mbps
Fig. 1: Topography of the Experimental Platform.
switch: flow mod message carries the forwarding rule that will
be installed in the switch; pkt out message instructs to directly
forward the miss-match packet through a specified interface of
the switch. The time of the flow mod message taking effect is
. If t
> t
, p
will trigger another pkt in message. In the
worst case, if t
> t
, n pkt in messages will be triggered.
When massive packets fails to match any rules of the flow
tables simultaneously, a great deal of request messages will
be sent to the controller. Moreover, corresponding control
operation messages will be sent back to the switch. Such
communication overhead needs to be reduced by the following
three reasons.
1) Control path may share the same physical links with the
data path. When the physical links carry heavy data traffic,
control messages may be congested. 2) Even if we reserve the
bandwidth or increase the priority for control traffic, we still
have the requirements of reducing the control messages to
relieve the load on the centralized controller. 3) Concurrent
switch activities, i.e., generating control request messages
and handling control operation messages will increase the
communication delay between the switch and the controller
[9]. This is caused by the competition of the limited resources
of the switch. So it is important to keep the control traffic at
a low level.
B. Experiment Description
Fig. 1 shows our experiments setup. Open vSwitch(OVS)
[22] is an open source OpenFlow virtual switch. Floodlight
[23] is an open source SDN controller. We run OVS and
Floodlight on two commodity PCs respectively. Table I shows
the configurations of the experimental devices. Host
connect to OVS with 100Mbps interfaces. We run
pktgen [24] on Host
to generate traffic at rates of 5Mbps
- 100Mbps with the Ethernet frame size of 1000 Bytes. We
run tcpdump [25] to listen on the interfaces that are connected
to the hosts and the controller respectively.
In this paper, we utilize switch buffer to reduce the com-
munication overhead from the following two ways: (1) reduce
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