
1 下载量 146 浏览量 更新于2024-03-23 1 收藏 1.71MB DOC 举报
The Bachelor's Degree Thesis of Wuhan University, titled "Modelling of a Smart Car" and conducted in the Department of Automation, explores the research on intelligent vehicle modeling. The study was conducted under the guidance of an associate professor, with the student number ___200531470020___. The thesis emphasizes the importance of independent research and the authenticity of the data and materials used. It also highlights the acknowledgment of the contributions of other individuals and groups who have helped in the research process. The intellectual property rights of the thesis belong to the educational institution. Through this research, the student delves into the intricacies of smart car technology, focusing on the modeling aspect to enhance the vehicle's automation. The study reflects a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and demonstrates the student's capability in conducting research and analyzing results. The thesis serves as a valuable contribution to the field of automation and smart vehicle technology, showcasing the student's academic prowess and research abilities. It encapsulates the student's dedication to the project and the guidance provided by the associate professor. In conclusion, the Bachelor's Degree Thesis of Wuhan University on the "Modelling of a Smart Car" is a testament to the student's hard work, commitment, and passion for the subject. It represents a significant milestone in the student's academic journey and contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field of automation and smart vehicle technology.