ASP.NET Core前端开发:Angular与Bootstrap实战

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"本书《Front-end Development with ASP.NET Core 2 Angular and Bootstrap》由Wrox在2017年出版,旨在帮助读者掌握前端开发与ASP.NET Core、Angular和Bootstrap的集成应用。" 本书深入探讨了ASP.NET Core MVC的新特性,如框架名称的演变、.NET Core的引入以及ASP.NET Core的新基础功能,包括一些核心中间件的概述。ASP.NET Core MVC作为微软的新型Web应用程序框架,提供了一种高效且可扩展的方式来构建动态网站和API。 在前端开发工具集章节中,作者强调了现代前端开发者需要掌握的语言,如JavaScript和CSS,以及JavaScript框架(如Angular)和CSS框架(如Bootstrap)。此外,还介绍了包管理器(如npm)和任务运行器(如Gulp或Grunt)的重要性,这些工具简化了依赖管理和自动化工作流程。 Angular章节介绍了这个强大的MVVM框架的基本概念,包括Angular语言、项目设置、应用结构、数据绑定、指令、服务与依赖注入、多个组件之间的通信以及如何处理输入和输出属性。此外,书中还讨论了如何将Angular与ASP.NET MVC结合使用,并提到了Visual Studio 2017对Angular的集成支持,使得开发变得更加便捷。 Bootstrap章节则引导读者了解这个流行的响应式设计框架,讲解了Bootstrap的基础样式、组件和JavaScript功能。通过学习如何使用Less自定义Bootstrap,读者可以更好地适应项目需求,同时,书中也提到了Bootstrap在Visual Studio中的集成,帮助开发者快速构建美观且适应各种设备的用户界面。 《Front-end Development with ASP.NET Core 2 Angular and Bootstrap》是针对希望将这些技术整合到Web开发中的开发者的一份宝贵资源,涵盖了从理论到实践的全面知识,助力读者提升前端开发技能,构建现代、高性能的Web应用。
2018-04-04 上传
It's only been a year since I wrote ASP.NET Core and Angular 2, but it definitely feels a lot more, at least from a web developer's perspective. Modern web technologies are still improving at lightning-fast speed, with an increasing, perceptible, and measurable interest being in the client-side aspects of the game. Angular, React, and VueJS collected no less than 150,000 StackOverflow questions in the latest 18 months, which is more than 250 per day--and the trend is still growing. That's to be expected, since most of the major conceptual changes that occurred between 2015 and 2017 have been hitting the clients way more than the servers; we switched from a reactive approach of doing stuff--that led us to build responsive, resilient, elastic, and message-driven Single-Page Apps (SPAs)--to a progressive way of seeing things--which materialized into Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). The change of perspective is slight, yet prominent; far from being a different paradigm, what we've seen was nothing less than the natural and inevitable evolution of the same original concepts. Compared to the SPA revolution that took place in 2015-2016, the rise of Progressive Web Apps is not a game-breaking event; we can say that PWAs inherit all the major concepts that were already part of the Reactive Manifesto and bring them further on with brand new features--such as Service Workers--that would not have been possible without some relevant client-side accomplishments such as HTML5, modern browsers, and ECMAScript 6. PWAs are a much expected improvement in the present that also emphasizes its increasing distance from the past. At the same time, PWAs are not meant to be the future, not because they won't become a standard--they definitely will--but because they will also improve and, eventually, collapse into something else. This is how the client side of the moon always worked and--hopefully--always will.