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"Sams Teach Yourself iOS9® Application Development in 24 Hours" 是一本2016年2月出版的英文原版iOS应用开发教程书籍,由John Ray撰写,由Sams Publishing发行。本书旨在帮助读者在24小时内逐步学习并掌握iOS9应用程序开发技能。 在这本教程中,作者将iOS应用开发的知识点分解为24个独立的学习小时,每个小时都涵盖了一个或多个关键主题,以确保学习过程循序渐进且易于理解。这样的结构使得无论是初学者还是有一定经验的开发者,都能按照自己的节奏进行学习。 书中可能包括了以下核心知识点: 1. **Swift编程语言**:iOS应用开发主要使用Swift,这是苹果公司推出的一种强大且易学的编程语言。读者会学习到Swift的基本语法、变量、常量、控制流、函数、类和协议等概念。 2. **Xcode IDE**:Xcode是苹果官方的集成开发环境,用于编写iOS应用。书中可能会介绍如何安装和使用Xcode,创建项目,以及使用Interface Builder设计用户界面。 3. **iOS应用架构**:讲解应用程序的基本结构,如ViewController、Model-View-Controller(MVC)设计模式,以及如何组织和管理应用的各个部分。 4. **用户界面设计**:包括Storyboard的使用,创建各种UI元素(如按钮、文本字段、标签等),以及手势识别和动画效果。 5. **数据持久化**:介绍如何使用Core Data存储应用程序的数据,或者使用SQLite数据库和文件系统。 6. **网络编程**:讲解如何与服务器进行交互,包括使用URLSession进行HTTP请求,以及JSON数据的解析。 7. **多线程与异步处理**:如何在iOS应用中使用GCD(Grand Central Dispatch)和Operation Queues进行并发编程。 8. **推送通知**:如何集成Apple Push Notification服务,实现应用的实时消息推送。 9. **测试与调试**:如何使用Xcode内置的工具进行单元测试和UI测试,以及如何有效地调试代码。 10. **App Store提交指南**:介绍苹果的App Review流程,以及如何准备和提交应用到App Store。 这本教程可能还涵盖了其他高级主题,如Core Animation、Core Image、地图服务、游戏开发等,旨在为读者提供全面的iOS开发知识。通过学习这本书,读者有望能够独立开发出功能完善的iOS应用程序。
2016-03-06 上传
n just 24 sessions of one hour each, learn how to build powerful applications for today’s hottest handheld devices: the iPhone and iPad! Using this book’s straightforward, step-by-step approach, you’ll master every skill and technology you need, from setting up your iOS development environment to building great user interfaces, sensing motion to writing multitasking applications. Each lesson builds on what you’ve already learned, giving you a rock-solid foundation for real-world success! Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most common iOS development tasks. Quizzes and Exercises help you test your knowledge. Notes present interesting information related to the discussion. Tips show you easier ways to perform tasks. Cautions alert you to possible problems and give you advice on how to avoid them. Printed in full color—figures and code appear as they do in Xcode 7.x • Learn to navigate the Xcode 7.x development environment and install apps on your iDevice • Get started quickly with Apple’s Open Source language: Swift 2.0 • Test code and application logic using the iOS Playground • Understand the Model-View-Controller (MVC) development pattern • Visually design and code interfaces using Xcode Storyboards, Segues, Exits, Image Slicing, and the iOS Object Library • Use Auto Layout and Size Classes to adapt to different screen sizes and orientations • Build advanced UIs with Tables, Split Views, Navigation Controllers, and more • Read and write preferences and data, and create System Settings plug-ins • Use iOS media playback and recording capabilities • Take photos and manipulate graphics with Core Image • Sense motion, orientation, and location with the accelerometer, gyroscope, and GPS • Use 3D touch to add Peek, Pop, and Quick Actions to your apps • Integrate online services using Twitter, Facebook, Email, Web Views, and Apple Maps • Create universal applications that run on both the iPhone and iPad • Write background-aware multitasking applications • Trace, debug, and monitor applications as they run • Additional files and updates available online