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Design of the electromagnetic pump control program based on PLC is an important aspect of industrial automation and process control. This document focuses on the use of a Mitsubishi FX0n-3A series PLC and a Mitsubishi GOT1000 touchscreen as the controller and human interface for an electromagnetic pump conveying system. The objective is to achieve quantitative delivery control by controlling the electromagnetic pump power supply.
The system consists of three main components: the electromagnetic pump power supply, the PLC controller, and the human-machine interface (HMI). The document begins with an analysis of the working principle of the electromagnetic pump, followed by the selection of hardware for the control system. The quantitative delivery process flow is then used as a basis for the design of the PLC control program and the HMI.
The PLC control program is designed to receive signals from the touchscreen and output a 0-10V analog voltage to control the electromagnetic pump power supply, regulating the current in the range of 0-2500A. Additionally, the program provides appropriate compensation based on the current conveyed in the industrial field. The HMI program serves as a substitute for some of the system buttons and is designed to simulate the PLC program and the HMI program, demonstrating the feasibility of this design.
In summary, this document presents a comprehensive design of an electromagnetic pump control program based on PLC technology. It provides insights into the working principles of the electromagnetic pump, the selection of appropriate hardware, and the design and simulation of the PLC control program and the HMI. This design is expected to have a significant impact on the efficiency and accuracy of electromagnetic pump control systems in industrial settings.
Key words: electromagnetic pump, PLC control, human-machine interface application.
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