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“新概念青少版2A复习总结” 这篇文档是针对《新概念英语》青少年版第二册A部分的复习资料,主要涵盖了英语语法中的时态部分,特别是现在进行时的用法。现在进行时是一种表达当前正在进行动作的时态,通常由“be动词(am, is, are)”加上动词的现在分词形式构成。 1. 现在进行时的基本结构: - 肯定句:主语 + am/is/are + doing 例如:My mother is talking with the dentist. - 否定句:主语 + am/is/are + not + doing 例如:They aren't playing games. - 一般疑问句:Is/Are + 主语 + doing...? + Yes, 主语 + am/is/are... 或 No, 主语 + am/is/are + not。 例如:Is she waiting for a bus? No, she isn't. - 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 + is/are + 主语 + doing。 例如:Where are they doing their homework? 2. 动词现在分词的变化规则: - 大多数动词直接在词尾加-ing,如:work -> working, sleep -> sleeping, study -> studying。 - 动词以不发音的e结尾,要去掉e再加-ing,如:take -> taking, make -> making, dance -> dancing。 - 重读闭音节的动词,末尾字母要双写再加-ing,如:stop -> stopping, run -> running。 - 以ie结尾的动词,变ie为y再加-ing,如:lie -> lying, die -> dying。 3. be动词后的形容词或介词短语: - 肯定句:主语 + be动词 + 形容词/介词短语,如:The sky is blue., My music book is in the bag. - 否定句:主语 + be动词 + not + 形容词/介词短语,如:Is there any water in the jug? - 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 + be动词 + 主语 + 形容词/介词短语,如:Which one is right?, Who is the man in a black hat? 4. 实义动词的用法: - 肯定句:主语 + 实义动词原形/三单形式 + 时间状语,如:We don't go to school on weekends., Lucy doesn't walk to school, but she goes by car. - 一般疑问句:Do/Does + 主语 + 实义动词原形/三单形式?+ Yes/No回答,如:Do you always arrive at school very early? Don't you?, Does Lucy have a rest every afternoon? - 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 + do/does + 主语 + 实义动词原形,如:What time does your class start? 这份复习资料对于学习者来说,是非常有用的,它详细列出了现在进行时的构造和动词变化规则,同时也涵盖了be动词和实义动词在句子中的应用,有助于巩固英语基础语法知识。