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The presentation "Management Consulting: An Introduction" by Jürgen Zech provides a comprehensive overview of client engagement and project work plans in the field of management consulting. The speaker emphasizes the importance of new engagement as well as follow-up on existing studies, and highlights the key components of client interaction and periodic review processes.
Client engagement in management consulting involves various stages, including new engagement or follow-up on existing studies. The process begins with the Letter of Proposal (LOP) and pitch to the client, followed by the development of a work plan. Close interaction with the client team is crucial throughout the engagement, and periodic review processes, such as the Steering Committee, are established to ensure the study progresses effectively. The end of the study marks the conclusion of the client engagement, and it is essential to deliver the findings and recommendations to the client.
In the context of project work plans, the presentation provides an example of a three-month project plan. Phase I involves screening market opportunities, while Phase II focuses on the evaluation and prioritization of key options. Phase III concentrates on the development of a business plan and implementation plan. Each phase is carefully structured and executed to ensure the project progresses in a systematic and efficient manner.
Overall, the presentation sheds light on the intricacies of client engagement and project work plans in the realm of management consulting. It underscores the significance of thorough planning, close collaboration with the client, and systematic execution of project phases. By following these principles, management consultants can deliver valuable insights and solutions to their clients, ultimately driving business success.
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116 浏览量
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2021-09-27 上传
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