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Nuro is an American autonomous driving unicorn company committed to making great technology benefit everyone. Autonomous vehicles promise to save lives, make our days easier, and help us connect with the people and things we love. At Nuro, we are advancing robotics technology to provide these conveniences to anyone, anywhere.
Safety is our top priority. Over 1 million people die in car accidents worldwide every year, with 94% being the result of human error. Autonomous vehicles have the potential to prevent many accidents and save thousands of lives. To achieve this, they need to prioritize safety in their design, construction, and operation, and be widely used.
That's why we have created the first fully autonomous road vehicle designed specifically for transporting goods. We believe that autonomous delivery services, and the benefits that come with them, can expand more quickly and economically compared to autonomous passenger transport. Our custom vehicles are designed to make the delivery of anything, from groceries to pet food, medications to dry cleaning, more convenient.
Because there is no need to worry about drivers or passengers, we build our vehicles to ensure that outside traffic participants are safer than those inside. It is lighter, more agile, slower than passenger cars, and equipped with advanced software and perception capabilities that can work continuously without distraction. With its smaller size and lower manufacturing costs, we can produce vehicles more quickly. Being electric and fully self";
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