Demonstration of all-optical RZ-to-NRZ format conversion based on
self phase modulation in a dispersion flattened highly nonlinear
photonic crystal fiber
Zhan-qiang Hui
, Jia-min Gong
, Meng Liang
, Mei-zhi Zhang
, Hui-min Wu
School of Electronic Engineering, Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710121, China
Weinan Normal University, Weinan 714000, China
article info
Article history:
Received 18 January 2013
Received in revised form
5 April 2013
Accepted 29 April 2013
Available online 28 May 2013
Format conversion
Photonic crystal fiber
Self-phase modulation
We propose a novel all-optical format conversion scheme from the return-to-zero (RZ) to non-return-to-
zero (NRZ) based on a single dispersion-flattened highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber (DF-HNL-PCF)
and an optical band-pass filter (OBPF). The polarity-preserved, 30 Gbit/s RZ-to-NRZ format conversion
with Q factor and extinction ration (ER) of 6.57 and 16.06 dB is demonstrated by exploiting self-phase
modulation (SPM) induced spectral broadening together with subsequent spectral tailoring in the DF-
HNL-PCF. The experiments are carried out to investigate the wavelength tunability and the dynamic
characteristics of the newly designed PCF-based format converter. Our results show that the designed
format converter has a wide operating wavelength range of 24 nm and higher tolerance to input signal
power fluctuation. This is very useful and attractive for engineering applications of optical-fiber-based
RZ-to-NRZ format converter in future ultra-high speed photonic networks.
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
With an exponential growth of internet traffic and multimedia
communication services, future optical fiber communication sys-
tems and networks will possess ultrahigh transmission speeds
and/or ultra-large capacity [1]. The wavelength division multi-
plexing (WDM) technique is a mature and attractive way to
improve network capacity by multiplexing multiple optical carrier
signals with different wavelengths on a single optical fiber [2];
while an optical time division multiplexing (OTDM) transmission
system, as an alternative approach of WDM, also received con-
siderable attentions by using only a single wavelength in operation
to efficiently exploit the huge transmission bandwidth offered by
today's single-mode optical fibers [3]. Future all-optical networks
are quite probably to be a hybrid of WDM and OTDM systems by
combining the advantages of both technologies [4]. In these hybrid
networks, systems deployed in different regions could have
different modulation formats. For example, in optical time-
division multiplexing systems, the return-to-zero (RZ) data format
is widely used due to its superior tolerance to polarization mode
dispersion (PMD), inter-symbol interference, and other fiber
transmission impairments; while the cost-effective non-return-
to-zero (NRZ) format is better suited for WDM metro/access
systems because of its narrower spectral bandwidth and higher
timing-jitter tolerance [5]. Therefore, all-optical format conversion
from RZ to NRZ will be an efficient and low-cost interface
technology for connecting the OTDM backbone networks and
WDM metro/access networks, as it does not need any optical-to-
electrical (O/E) and electrical-to-optical (E/O) conversions of the
data signal [6]. Until now, various methods have been proposed to
achieve all-optical RZ-to-NRZ format conversion by exploiting
cross phase modulation in a nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM)
[7]; cross gain compression in semiconductor optical amplifiers
(SOA) [8–9]; fiber or SOA based interferometer devices [10–12];
microfiber knot resonator [13–14]; polarization bistable vertical-
cavity surface-emitting lasers [15]; and spectral line-by-line pulse
shaping [16]. However, the output signal shape highly depends on
the input signal polarization state in NOLM, and a relatively long
gain recovery time in SOA ultimately limits their operating
performance. Moreover, the interferometer-based devices usually
have a complicated structure and sometimes require temperature
control; and the high manufacturing cost for microring resonators
may prevent them from practical applications. The micro-fiber
knot resonators are also very sensitive to the surrounding envir-
onment. Meanwhile, optical fibers with high product reliability are
commercially available and have been widely used in practical
high-speed optical communication systems. Recently, dispersion-
fibers (DSFs) have been employed for all-optical RZ-to-NRZ
data format conversion due to an ultrafast third-order nonlinear
response [17]. However, the small nonlinear coefficient of DSF
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0030-3992/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 2988166269.
E-mail addresses: zhanqianghui@xupt.edu.cn, 709387290@qq.com (Z.-q. Hui) .
Optics & Laser Technology 54 (2013) 7–14