掌握Microsoft SQL Server 2012 T-SQL基础:查询与编程入门

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《Microsoft SQL Server 2012 T-SQL Fundamentals》是一本深入浅出的英文PDF教程,由Itzik Ben-Gan撰写并经Microsoft Corporation授权发布。该书专为初学者设计,旨在引导读者了解和掌握Transact-SQL(T-SQL)语言,这是Microsoft SQL Server中遵循ISO和ANSI SQL标准的方言。 T-SQL是SQL Server的核心组件,它不仅涵盖了查询理论,还涉及编程原理。通过阅读本书,学习者将学会如何编写T-SQL代码来高效地查询和修改数据库中的数据。此外,书中还将介绍可编程对象的概念,帮助读者理解如何利用这些对象来扩展SQL Server的功能。 本书的特点在于实践导向,通过实例讲解,让读者在实践中逐步掌握T-SQL的基础技能,包括但不限于创建表、执行基本查询、使用聚合函数、条件语句、存储过程和触发器等。对于想要深入了解SQL Server操作或者转型为数据库管理员的人员来说,这本书是一个理想的入门资源。 值得注意的是,版权方面,所有内容未经O'Reilly Media, Inc.书面许可不得复制或传播。读者可以通过书店或分销商获取纸质版,也可以访问Microsoft Press书籍网站,获取电子版或联系出版社支持团队以获取相关帮助。 书中还包含了微软及其他商标的使用说明,以及示例公司的详细信息,如虚构的公司名、域名、电子邮件地址等,这些都是为了教学目的而编造的,并非实际存在的商业实体。 《Microsoft SQL Server 2012 T-SQL Fundamentals》是一本适合SQL Server新手的实用指南,提供了丰富的理论与实践知识,帮助读者建立起坚实的T-SQL基础,以便在SQL Server的世界里游刃有余。无论是为了个人学习还是专业发展,这本书都是不可或缺的参考资料。
2016-04-08 上传
作者: Jorgensen, Adam; Wort, Steven; Loforte, Ross An essential how-to guide for experienced DBAs on the most significant product release since 2005! Microsoft SQL Server 2012 will have major changes throughout the SQL Server and will impact how DBAs administer the database. With this book, a team of well-known SQL Server experts introduces the many new features of the most recent version of SQL Server and deciphers how these changes will affect the methods that administrators have been using for years. Loaded with unique tips, tricks, and workarounds for handling the most difficult SQL Server admin issues, this how-to guide deciphers topics such as performance tuning, backup and recovery, scaling and replication, clustering, and security. Serves as a must-have how-to guide on the new features of the 2012 release of Microsoft SQL Server Walks you through ways to manage and monitor SQL Server and automate administration Guides you through SQL Azure for cloud computing, data replication, and data warehouse performance improvements Addresses client-connectivity enhancements, new features that ensure high availability of mission-critical applications, and tighter integration with Excel and SharePoint for data analysis and reporting Highlights major changes to the suite of SQL Server BI tools, including integration, reporting, and analysis services Includes real-world case examples and best practices from Microsoft insiders If you're a database administrator eager to get started with the newest version of SQL Server, then this book is essential reading.