iOS 7开发指南:挖掘iPhone/iPad应用潜力

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iOS 7 Programming: Pushing the Limits是一本专为经验丰富的开发者设计的指南,旨在帮助他们利用全新的iOS 7开发出卓越的应用程序。随着苹果推出iOS 7,对掌握新系统技术的开发者需求激增,本书深入剖析了iOS 7的新特性和功能,让读者能够充分利用这些特性提升应用的竞争力。 作者Rob Napier和Mugunth Kumar在书中详细讲解了如何利用C或C++语言在iPhone、iPad和iPod touch上构建惊艳的App。教程不仅涵盖了基础内容,如如何构建针对移动设备优化的7.0版本iPhone SDK应用程序,还包括了一些高级主题: 1. **安全性服务**:探讨如何实现应用程序的安全措施,确保用户数据的保护。 2. **多平台运行**:指导开发者如何编写能够在多个iOS设备(如iPhone、iPad和iPod touch)上无缝运行的应用程序。 3. **本地网络与Core Bluetooth**:介绍了如何通过Core Bluetooth技术进行本地网络连接,这对于支持蓝牙设备的功能集成至关重要。 4. **多任务控制**:教授开发者如何有效地管理应用程序在iOS 7中的多任务模式,提升用户体验。 5. **内购功能**:指南包括如何集成内购功能,使应用能够盈利。 6. **高级文本布局**:深入讲解如何设计适应不同屏幕尺寸和方向的美观文本显示。 7. **RESTful API**:学习如何利用Representational State Transfer(REST)架构来构建Web服务,增强应用的后端交互能力。 8. **高级GCD(Grand Central Dispatch)**:介绍如何使用Grand Central Dispatch进行高效的并发处理,提高代码性能。 9. **国际化与本地化**:了解如何使应用适应不同语言和文化环境,提供个性化的用户体验。 这本书的目标是帮助开发者开发出那些充分挖掘iOS 7潜力的应用,使其在众多App中脱颖而出。无论是对于初次接触iOS 7的新手,还是已经在旧版本上积累了经验的老手,iOS 7 Programming: Pushing the Limits都是提升技能,应对市场变化的重要资源。

3)A digital clock consists of a screen to display the time and a dial for setting in turn the year, month, day, hour and minute. Twisting the dial to the left reduces by one the value being changed but twisting it to the right increases it by one. Pushing the dial alters which value is being adjusted. At first, it is the year but after the dial is pushed once, it is the month, then after the dial is pushed again, it is the day and so on. Imagine the clock is represented by a class with attributes year, month, day etc. The following is what the code for a method rotateDialLeft() might look like. public void rotateDialLeft() { if (mode == YEAR_MODE) { year--; } else if (mode == MONTH_MODE) { month--; } else if (mode == DAY_MODE) { day--; } else if (mode == HOUR_MODE) { hour--; } else if (mode == MINUTE_MODE) { minute--; } } The code for rotateDialRight() is similar. Apply the Open-Closed Principle to explain why the above code is unsatisfactory from the design viewpoint, considering the possibility of future change to the code, giving an example of such a change. 5)Give the code required for the classes introduced in question 3), focusing on the code for a method selectState() which changes the value that is being adjusted from years to months. Make it clear in which classes the code is to be found. Assume the existence of other methods that are needed such as getMonthSetUpState(). 8)Suppose that in a multiplayer role-playing game, a class Client has a dependency to an interface Fighter with public methods attack(), defend() and escape(). The game designer now wishes for Client to use a class Wizard with three different but equivalent public methods castDestructionSpell(), shield() and portal(). Explain how it is possible to do this using an appropriate design pattern.

2023-06-03 上传