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iety, people are increasingly inseparable from the flexibility and portability provided by smartphones. The Android system is the dominant mobile platform in this rapidly developing trend, and game development based on the Android system has immeasurable prospects. This paper proposes the design of a "2048" game based on the Android system, and analyzes the specific development and implementation of the game, determining the relevant functional requirements of the system, and designing game level settings, menu interfaces, graphics, and layouts. A detailed description of the implementation of each module is provided based on a certain knowledge of the Android theory, and the game testing is completed. This game is a puzzle game, mainly including game login, user login, level selection, presenting the game interface, restarting the game, current score and highest score, game help, and leaderboard. This paper provides a theoretical basis and guidance for the development of Android games, and the development of simple puzzle games can continuously develop players' brains in entertainment, and will play an important role in relieving stress in our fast-paced lives in the future.
Keywords: Android, game, puzzle, system.
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