《iPhone开发秘籍》:使用iPhone SDK构建应用

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"《The iPhone Developer's Cookbook: Building Applications with the iPhone SDK》是Erica Sadun撰写的一本关于iPhone应用开发的专业书籍,中文名为《iPhone开发秘籍》。该书以PDF格式提供,英文版,内容清晰,并包含了作者制作的书签以方便阅读和查找。" 这本书针对的是那些正在或计划编写iPhone软件的开发者,它旨在节省开发者们大量的开发时间。作者Erica Sadun在书中提供了数十个清晰明了的示例,涵盖了基本的iPhone开发技术,以及许多超越Apple官方文档的特殊效果实现。这使得读者不仅能掌握基础,还能了解到更高级的技术和技巧。 Tim Burks,一位iPhone软件开发者,评论这本书说,即使价格更高,这本书也物超所值。他指出,书中的实例能帮助开发者省去数周的开发时间,特别是那些展示特殊效果的例子,远超出了苹果官方的文档内容。 Ars Technica的副编辑Jacqui Cheng则认为,无论对初学者还是经验丰富的开发者来说,《iPhone Developer’s Cookbook》都是一个全面的iPhone开发指南。代码示例和截图进一步强化了书中众多的技巧和提示,使得学习过程更加直观。 BlackPixel Luminance的首席开发者和CEO Daniel Pasco将此书与经典编程书籍相提并论,他认为Erica Sadun对主题的掌握令人印象深刻,她以轻松而适当的技术细节呈现材料的方式,就像是iPhone开发者的《Petzold book》(指的是Charles Petzold的《代码:隐匿在计算机软硬件背后的语言》)。 这本书的内容涵盖了iPhone SDK的各个方面,包括UI设计、多线程、网络编程、本地数据存储、动画效果、地图集成、推送通知等。通过深入浅出的讲解和实用的代码示例,读者可以学习如何利用Objective-C和Swift语言创建高质量的iOS应用程序。无论是对iPhone SDK的新手,还是寻求提升技术深度的开发者,这本书都是一份宝贵的资源。
2009-10-08 上传
09年9月的新书 Bill Dudney Chris Adamson Packing the power of desktop applications into a small mobile device, the iPhone SDK offers developers the ability to create dynamic, visually-appealing, and highly-capable mobile applications, using the same APIs and tools that Apple uses for its own applications. However, harnessing that power means learning new tools, new APIs, and even a whole new programming language. iPhone SDK Development is a Pragmatic guide to get you started developing applications for iPhone and iPod touch. With it, you’ll get a complete understanding of the tools and techniques needed to succeed on the platform: * Use the XCode IDE to manage your source code, images, sounds, database files, and other application resources, building your app and deploying it onto your own device for testing. * Develop your user interface the visual, code-free way, with Interface Builder. * Master the iPhone’s unique user interface components, including tables, tab bars, navigation bars, and the multi-touch interface. * Connect your iPhone to the outside world with networking, exploit the power of a relational database with SQLite, and rock out with first-class support for audio and video. * Make use of the iPhone’s unique mobile APIs, like geolocation and the motion-sensing accelerometer * Use XCode’s powerful performance and debugging tools to eliminate memory leaks, zombies, and other hazards. * Understand the process for packaging your application for end-user distribution through Apple’s App Store. With explanations of the big picture and an eye to the little details that you’ll need, _iPhone SDK Development_ will help you succeed on today’s most important mobile platform.