
0 下载量 23 浏览量 更新于2024-04-06 收藏 969KB DOCX 举报
Based on the document "Design and Implementation of Java Course Experimental Teaching System", the experimental teaching management system for this course is designed and implemented to address the actual requirements of curriculum experimental teaching management. By analyzing the existing issues in past course experimental teaching management systems, and integrating the structure, concepts, models, principles, and methods of computer systems, this system utilizes the advantages of computer technology to adopt the popular B/S structure and MVC three-tier design pattern in Java, alongside the Eclipse editor and MySQL database. The main modules of this experimental teaching management system include user management, student management, teacher management, teaching material management, login, and logout modules. It helps to digitize and network curriculum experimental teaching management, achieving the system design goals through testing. Compared to traditional management models, this system effectively utilizes the data resources of curriculum experimental teaching management, reducing economic investment and significantly improving the efficiency of curriculum experimental teaching management. In conclusion, the utilization of MVC pattern and MySQL database in the design and implementation of the experimental teaching management system has successfully transformed and optimized the management process, making it more efficient and cost-effective. Through the integration of various modules and technologies, this system contributes to the informatization and modernization of curriculum experimental teaching management, ultimately enhancing the overall teaching and learning experience.