Unity3D uGUI实战指南: Francesco Sapio

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"Unity3D UI框架uGUI的详细介绍,由Francesco Sapio撰写,包含超过60个创建专业且精致游戏界面的配方,旨在提升游戏沉浸感。" 《Unity UI Cookbook》是Francesco Sapio于2015年出版的一本专著,专门针对Unity3D的最新用户界面(UI)框架uGUI进行深入探讨。这本书包含了60多个实用的“配方”或步骤,这些步骤旨在帮助开发者创建出专业且精美的游戏用户界面,从而提高游戏的沉浸感和用户体验。 uGUI是Unity引擎的一个重要组成部分,它在Unity4.x版本之后推出,替代了旧的NGUI和NGUI等UI系统。uGUI提供了更现代、更强大、更灵活的界面设计工具,使得开发者可以轻松地构建各种复杂的交互式界面,无论是在2D还是3D游戏中。 本书中,读者将学习如何利用uGUI的各种组件来设计和实现游戏中的界面元素,如按钮、文本、图像、滑动条、下拉菜单等。书中详细讲解了如何设置布局,管理事件响应,以及创建动态更新的界面元素。此外,还涵盖了动画和特效的集成,以增强用户界面的视觉吸引力。 除了基本组件的使用,书中还可能涉及到高级话题,例如自定义UI控件,使用Canvas渲染层次,以及性能优化策略。这些内容对于任何想要提升Unity游戏界面质量的开发者来说都极具价值。书中还包括了实际项目中的最佳实践,帮助开发者避免常见的设计和性能问题。 尽管这本书是英文版,但它带有书签,这使得读者可以轻松地在各个章节间导航,快速找到所需的信息。无论是初学者还是经验丰富的Unity开发者,都能从这本书中获得宝贵的知识和灵感。 《Unity UI Cookbook》是一本全面而实用的指南,它不仅提供了创建高效游戏UI的详细步骤,还强调了设计原则和技巧,对于想要提升Unity游戏用户体验的专业人士来说,是不可或缺的参考资料。通过遵循书中的“配方”,开发者能够创建出更加引人入胜、互动性强的游戏界面,从而提升游戏的整体品质。


Paperback: 307 pages Publisher: Packt Publishing - ebooks Account (January 6, 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 1785885820 ISBN-13: 978-1785885822 Key Features Design and develop interactive and professional user interfaces (UIs) for games in Unity Discover how to implement and deal with various in-game UI elements that will impress your players This practical recipe guide will help you to efficiently create powerful and remarkable UIs using C# code Book Description With the increasing interest in game development, it's essential to design and implement a UI that reflects the game settings and shows the right information to the player. The Unity system is used to create complex and aesthetically pleasing user interfaces in order to give a professional look and feel to a game. Although the new Unity UI system is powerful and quite easy to use, by integrating it with C# scripts, it's possible to realize the potential of this system and bring an impressive UI to games. This guide is an invaluable collection of recipes if you are planning to use Unity to develop a game. Starting with the basic concepts of the UI components, we'll take you all the way through to creating complex interfaces by including animations and dynamics elements. Based on real-world problems, these recipes will start by showing you how to make common UI elements such as counters and healthbars. You will then get a walkthrough of how to manage time using timers, and will learn how to format them. You will move on to decorating and animating the UI elements to vivify them and give them a professional touch. Furthermore, you will be guided into the 3D UI world and into HUD scripting. Finally, you will discover how to implement complex minimaps in the interface. What you will learn Implement different kinds of counters and healthbars Deal with timers and find out how to format them Animate and vivify UI elements Handle runtime customizations Add complex Head-up displays (HUDs) Design and implement 3D UIs Integrate minimaps in the UI
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